They made Smiley/Hillbillyholiday a moderator! And other hilarious fanmail.

For serious discussion of the "major" forum for Wikipedia criticism and how it fails.
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Jake Is A Sellout
Sucks Warrior
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Joined: Mon Mar 15, 2021 1:01 am
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Re: They made Smiley/Hillbillyholiday a moderator! And other hilarious fanmail.

Post by Jake Is A Sellout » Fri Dec 17, 2021 11:39 pm

Jake Is A Sellout wrote:
Fri Dec 17, 2021 8:58 am
Jake Is A Sellout wrote:
Sat Nov 13, 2021 11:45 am ... 10#p298710

I dunno whether this was an attempt to demonstrate they're not a sell out forum, an act of pure desperation, or a reward for his continuing attempts to negate my serious Wikipedia criticism, but they've only gone and made Smiley/Hillbillyholiday a moderator!

It will take a lot more than having someone in a position of (limited power) who is banned up the wazoo and isn't afraid of insulting Beeblebrox, to convince people you're not who I say you are Jake.
Looks like I got that completely wrong.

I had assumed, as a dedicated hasten-the-dayer, Crow would relish a hypocritical doxxing queerphobe like Beeblebrox being on the Committee.

Of course I forgot that Crow lives in DoubleBackwardsLand and has no idea what he's doing.

Not for the first time, Smiley shows his inability to recognise his posterior from his elbow.

Someone looking to destroy Wikipedia ensures the community is reminded every time this farce rolls around, what it says about their cult that they can't ever even round up twelve people who meet the bare basic minimal standard of being an editor, never mind have an election where they are able to sift through a whole raft of perfectly suitable candidates and pick the one whose wikipoloitcs they find most agreeable.

You might recognise this from my prior postings on that forum, back when it was still nominally an effort to highlight the flaws of Wikipedia, and advance the case that perhaps these flaws are so huge and unfixable, that destroying the whole thing might be the best for humanity.

People who are only involved in Wikipedia criticism because they're bored, and get their weird jollies out of seeing others in pain, and are entirely unmoved that the outcome of a Wikipedia where Beeblebrox is considered an electable Arbitrator is not its demise, but merely the contiunace of a harmful cult, they would do what Smiley does.

Pissing around, being a little bitch, helping Wikipedia editors further their own sad little agendas, claiming he only chases down the likes of Eostrix for the lulz, and generally making a tit of himself by making up stories about his poor old granny who got so scared of the nasty Daily Mail journalist?

Why didn't you take Jimmy's gold coins, ya bastard?

Suddenly feel all too real did it, these games?

Afraid of the big bad wolf now he's come to defend the interests of his nearest and dearest? The children you'd see go hungry because you can't abide a world where perfectly reasonable political opinions aren't cast as racism.

We know what you are, what kind of Guardian reader you are. Happy to see children abused, mistreated, malnourished in food and knowledge, if it gives you a headline.

And now we see that this appeals to Jake. Worthy of being given power over others.

Will his attempts to flatter Wikipedia with imitation never cease? :roll:

And so I guess we're back to how he managed to even pass the interview at Wikipediocracy! :lol:

Shit, do we dare even ask if this was a case of him being offered a seat at the inner sanctum, or him asking for one? I genuinely can't say what would look worse for either.

You like that, Jake? Still having fun! :ugeek:

Yeah, you did cross me, and yeah, I told you what I'd do. :twisted:
Hemenchuia wrote:Crows howls into the void are always entertaining, though I feel a bit guilty egging on someone who is quite obviously seriously mentally disturbed.

Also, the fact that Sucks has an entire Beeblebrox subforum is hilarious
No, what's hilarious is watching you carry on like this, in sheer ignorance that the people who run that forum used to BEG for me to write blog posts for them, until I showed that the price of accepting my work, is ideological purity. Or at least not to afford the Wikipedia editors and their apologists that occupy that space the same level of protection they are afforded inside the cult.

Too much of an ask, apparently. :shrug:

And I'm guessing that compared to you, I fare quite well in the sheer number and breadth of people who have praised my work, including Jake, naturally, running the whole range from moderate tinkerer to true HTD.

I mean, I don't want to make you cry or nothing, but an unreconstructed wikishit like you poses no problem for someone like me. It poses a problem for Jake, because the answer to the question "Why does Hemenchuia even post on Wikipediocracy?" is indeed a hard question to answer. At least in a way that doesn't make him look like a sell out motherfucker.

People might understand if he also allowed people like me post, in order to balance out your sort of cult nonsense with hard facts and difficult questions. But no. Too hostile, apparently. :D

It comes at a price. For every ban of someone like me, there has been an equal and just as devastating voluntary departure of someone like Andreas.

I can see the logic. I myself would perhaps even prefer to collaborate with Wikipediocracy's sworn enemy Smallbones and post on Wikipedia's newsletter, where it seems people have more freedom to say what needs to be said, than Wikipediocracy, where certain things and certain people are completely off limits.

Funny that, eh?

You can beg all you want, Andreas isn't coming back. Why would he? It surely offends him as much as it does me, to see you all openly licking the anus of a scum lord like Beeblebrox. A man who epitomises everything that is wrong with Wikipedia, up to and including the fact they let people like Hemenchuia vote on important matters like who should be Wikipedia's moral leadership.

You should feel honoured to have such a loyal protector, someone to keep you safe at night, in true recognition of what you really are. A disease. The slow creeping rot of ever lowering standards in the field of human knowledge, which Wikipedia harnessed and took to the next level.

To wit...

You've no need to say "seriously mentally distrubed", it's implied by previously equally well though out and fully evidenced slurs made by your kind, such as "incel" and the like.

Dumbass. :roll:

Anyway, never mind, that's just me having my fun, demonstrating yet again that Jake would rather have childish braindead wikishits like you posting on a Wikipedia criticism forum, than people who are quite clearly in full possession of ther faculties. He does so love to be surrounded by fans, he'll take them from anywhere, as long as they're nice and loyal.

As for the reasons why Beeblebrox has his own sub forum here, that has been addressed before, and even a dumbass like you is welcome to try and address them if you have a sudden outbreak of remembering you're trying to make people think you're the smart one and I'm the crazy bastard. If you're happy to live in a world where a Wikipedia criticism forum wouldn't do such a thing, and would actually prefer to roll out the red carpet for such a creature, and it's all logical, by all means, advocate away!

Be as specific as you can.


Yeah, I didn't think so. :roll:

Fucking Wikipedia wank skins, ever predictable. Call them out, they shrivel, only to be seen much later saying the same dumb shit, like it hasn't been addressed before.

This is your legacy Jake. This is what you turned Wikipediocracy into.

Top work, Jake! :lol:

Your usefulness now over Hemenchuia, I shall turn to slightly more relevant matters.
Jake wrote:Personally, I've never really seen him as a "hasten-the-dayer." He's more of a "hasten-the-banning-of-anyone-who-crosses-my-pather."
A guy can be both. He would surely have to be, since it seems obvious the reason you banned me, is because you're not really down with the ideological purity a true HTDer brings to your forum.
Vigilant wrote:"Anyone who has ever had the temerity to disagree with me"-er
Oh, the jealousy! There are, of course, plenty of people here I disagree with. We seem to get along fine. And I get along fine with Sashi, yet another person who seems to have decided Wikipediocracy isn't really for them. That they stand with others.

Note the absence here of people crazy enough to advance lesbian power couple conspiracy theories, while at the same time being prepared to support the less crazy aspects of it all. And of course, the absence of people willing to give Beeblebrox head.

And in case you want to go there, being a mere silent bystander while others give Beeblebrox head, is just the same. He probably gets off on you watching! :D

You are what you are, Vigilant. A pet. Neutered. Compliant. Comic relief.

A figure of fun. Only allowed to bark about shit everyone who is serious about Wikipedia criticism knows is irrelevant, and indeed, wholly fucking embarrassing and discrediting. Has Jake ever offered to write up your favourite bone into a delicious Wikipedia destroying missile? Nah, of course not.

He knows it doesn't stand up really, he just hasn't got the guts to tell you. And yet he likes the views it attracts from a certain class of reader from his target audience, Wikipedia. Certified women haters and all round dumbasses like Ritchie333. You know your audience! Jake has selected them for you. Your designated play mates. Embarrassing.

The downside being you do of occasion get your pants pulled down by someone like Worm, and he certainly wasn't after fellating you, was he! :D

Spanked you right nice. Let you be a nice little girl for him, answered all your very polite questions and thanked you for your oh so reverential demeanour, and then spanked you anyway!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

All that effort, all that humiliation, and to come away with it with nothing you can use. Nothing!

I mean, that's got to be embarrassing. But you also surely have to know, that was only partly Jake's fault. Although I guess it's wholly his fault for not having the guts to tell you what you so clearly don't want to hear.

If only you had listened to me. I got your back, bro. Dave said nothing you hadn't already heard from me, right? Why didn't you have an answer?

Why didn't you have your shit correct?

Is it because you thought Jake making me take the long walk somehow meant I didn't matter anymore? Well, that didn't quite work out, did it?

Someone made you look like a right tit, and I wouldn't be so sure it was only Dave who had the idea to make that thread be about forcing you to take a little spanking. I bet they cooked that up in the star chamber itself! On company letter heads and everything.

Oh man alive. There's you warranting only a light spanking, while some of us are apparently still seen as super dangerous threats, for doing nothing more harmful than asking questions that they really don't want to answer.

Kind of puts it in perspective, no. What it cost you, to side with a sell out?

You should have stuck to your guns and defended me to the very end.

Ideological purity my friend. It will never fail you.

As much as I don't like what you have become, even I felt bad at seeing you humiliated like that. It doesn't help that there's few people left there who would see it for what it was. Who remember you didn't used to be such a fool. That you would have been prepared.

No, Jake won't be putting you on the front page any time soon. I think that humiliation was more for an internal audience. More for Beeblebrox's entertainment, I imagine. Or worse, he blindly led you into it! Either way, I'm pretty sure Beeblebrox was laughing his tits off.

But Jake has offered to put me on the front page many times, as you well know. And unlike you, my work hasn't changed. Go check. I still have the same beliefs and weapons.

Offered to put me up in lights many a time. Not that there's many who want to go to that particular party venue anymore, even Fram was a one hit wonder, and he was bringing certified hits! A lack of a mature and insightful audience, or indeed, any audience at all, does rather put the talent off.

Seeing people get a spanking like you did, that's a niche audience, not something for public consumption, I imagine. If they even have any hopes of such things anymore. They say it, but the lack of blogs suggests the opposite.

Sorry to keep embarrassing you, Hemenchuia, but you did rather step into something you clearly knew nothing about. We may look like a divorced couple now, but it wasn't always the case. But hey, thanks for proving what a Wikipedia editor usually brings to the table!

Long on insults, short on knowledge. Incapable of even the most basic research. Loyal only to his little gang in his little moment, his cult away from a cult. Its why serious people hate Wikipedians and Jake so much, in case you hadn't figured it out, you being a dumbass and all.

We don't get along Vigilant because I am a constant reminder of what you could have been, were you prepared to call out Jake for what he is. A sell out. You realised long ago that all the true talent had decided to leave, that Zoloft's new dawn was anything but, but you had got too comfortable in your dog basket.

So be it. Don't judge me for not liking pets. Lots of people think dogs are just dumb animals whose breath smells of anus. Still, you might be the only dog who actually licks the ring of his master, and anyone else he tells you to please!

:oops: :lol: :?
Beeblebrox wrote:The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

I mean, there's like 15 threads about me at any given time.  Obviously Mr Crow finds me fascinating, charming even.
Hey dickhead. You've said this before. :roll:

I've answered it before. :ugeek:

I'm fascinated not by your rather predictable non answers to fact based criticism, you being the epitome of the sort of unaccountable coward that seems to so easily manage to represent Wikipedia at the highest levels.

And I of course slipped up there, because you didn't find it all that easy, did you? An absolute meff like Kudpung gets 400 votes in wikiland, so your 600 shows where you probably sit. Not so attractive to sensible voters, and yet all too attractive to warped scum.

Maybe you disagree, and perhaps you think there is absolutely no crossover between his 400 and your 600. Well, the beauty of having this little sub forum, is to illustrate you are probably wrong, and of course, invite you to offer any rebuttal you might wish to make.


As expected. Kudpung too, isn't exactly known for having the moral character of addressing his critics head on. Sure, he'll construct the odd strawman and generally loudly talk bollocks if he senses an opportunity to grandstand, but hey, fuck me if that's not your talent too!

Hence the sub forum. Not saying it, showing it.

You have, as always, right of reply. This isn't Wikipedia or Wikipediocracy. But we don't much care if you don't avail yourself of that natural right, as you may have figured out by now. Or maybe not. :shrug:

No, my fascination lies with why Wikipediocracy puts up with their forum being seen as merely an extension of Wikipedia by scum like you.

I am fascinated, Jake.

But you already knew that, right? :ugeek:

Beebledick and his cult have their ways, and sure, I guess they work, but silence is not your friend, Jake, not in our niche community. We can all make the rather obvious conclusions in the absence of your explanations.

Nobody is buying that I'm crazy. Nobody is buying that I'm an incel AND I want to have sex with Beeblebrox too. That would be silly.

But hey, if you think that shit flies as a defence for your moral code and chosen contribution to the cause, by all means, keep letting it be said, and I'll keep very publicly stomping the guts out of your nearest and dearest, and asking the question of everyone under your charge.... that what you like, baby? :o ;)

I mean, fuck if you don't make it so easy.

It wouldn't fucking surprise me if you've persuaded all those hiding under your skirts, that rather than the thrill of landing blows on Wikipedia, the thrill of sadomasochism is where it's at.

Your attacks on Fae, that's my idea of a lady protesting too much.

I bet others see it too. :idea:

Ouch. I bet that one really hurt. :mrgreen:

You want another?


Vigilant wrote:He saw me first!
Now now, don't fight.

Plenty of pain to go around.


Naturally though, there is a priority to these things. You must wait your turn. Its stomp on a Wikipedia bad actor first, then stomp on those who suck (in so many ways!) thereafter.

Oh Jake. Why don't you EVER just quit while you're ahead? If you genuinely don't have the answers you keep implying must exist.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I mean, shit, am I not scarily consistent? Have you ever seen me incapable of dealing with what is some pretty pathetic stuff in my same, patented way?

I'm a horrible bastard that way.

I know it works, and you'd be a fool to deny it.

You did cross me. This is your future. For now and ever more.




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Jake Is A Sellout
Sucks Warrior
Posts: 717
Joined: Mon Mar 15, 2021 1:01 am
Been thanked: 113 times

Re: They made Smiley/Hillbillyholiday a moderator! And other hilarious fanmail.

Post by Jake Is A Sellout » Sat Dec 18, 2021 12:04 pm

Jake Is A Sellout wrote:
Sat Nov 13, 2021 11:45 am ... 10#p298710

I dunno whether this was an attempt to demonstrate they're not a sell out forum, an act of pure desperation, or a reward for his continuing attempts to negate my serious Wikipedia criticism, but they've only gone and made Smiley/Hillbillyholiday a moderator!

It will take a lot more than having someone in a position of (limited power) who is banned up the wazoo and isn't afraid of insulting Beeblebrox, to convince people you're not who I say you are Jake.
Looks like I got that completely wrong.

I had assumed, as a dedicated hasten-the-dayer, Crow would relish a hypocritical doxxing queerphobe like Beeblebrox being on the Committee.

Of course I forgot that Crow lives in DoubleBackwardsLand and has no idea what he's doing.

Not for the first time, Smiley shows his inability to recognise his posterior from his elbow.

Someone looking to destroy Wikipedia ensures the community is reminded every time this farce rolls around, what it says about their cult that they can't ever even round up twelve people who meet the bare basic minimal standard of being an editor, never mind have an election where they are able to sift through a whole raft of perfectly suitable candidates and pick the one whose wikipoloitcs they find most agreeable.

You might recognise this from my prior postings on that forum, back when it was still nominally an effort to highlight the flaws of Wikipedia, and advance the case that perhaps these flaws are so huge and unfixable, that destroying the whole thing might be the best for humanity.

People who are only involved in Wikipedia criticism because they're bored, and get their weird jollies out of seeing others in pain, and are entirely unmoved that the outcome of a Wikipedia where Beeblebrox is considered an electable Arbitrator is not its demise, but merely the contiunace of a harmful cult, they would do what Smiley does.

Pissing around, being a little bitch, helping Wikipedia editors further their own sad little agendas, claiming he only chases down the likes of Eostrix for the lulz, and generally making a tit of himself by making up stories about his poor old granny who got so scared of the nasty Daily Mail journalist?

Why didn't you take Jimmy's gold coins, ya bastard?

Suddenly feel all too real did it, these games?

Afraid of the big bad wolf now he's come to defend the interests of his nearest and dearest? The children you'd see go hungry because you can't abide a world where perfectly reasonable political opinions aren't cast as racism.

We know what you are, what kind of Guardian reader you are. Happy to see children abused, mistreated, malnourished in food and knowledge, if it gives you a headline.

And now we see that this appeals to Jake. Worthy of being given power over others.

Will his attempts to flatter Wikipedia with imitation never cease? :roll:

And so I guess we're back to how he managed to even pass the interview at Wikipediocracy! :lol:

Shit, do we dare even ask if this was a case of him being offered a seat at the inner sanctum, or him asking for one? I genuinely can't say what would look worse for either.

You like that, Jake? Still having fun! :ugeek:

Yeah, you did cross me, and yeah, I told you what I'd do. :twisted:
Hemenchuia wrote:Crows howls into the void are always entertaining, though I feel a bit guilty egging on someone who is quite obviously seriously mentally disturbed.

Also, the fact that Sucks has an entire Beeblebrox subforum is hilarious
No, what's hilarious is watching you carry on like this, in sheer ignorance that the people who run that forum used to BEG for me to write blog posts for them, until I showed that the price of accepting my work, is ideological purity. Or at least not to afford the Wikipedia editors and their apologists that occupy that space the same level of protection they are afforded inside the cult.

Too much of an ask, apparently. :shrug:

And I'm guessing that compared to you, I fare quite well in the sheer number and breadth of people who have praised my work, including Jake, naturally, running the whole range from moderate tinkerer to true HTD.

I mean, I don't want to make you cry or nothing, but an unreconstructed wikishit like you poses no problem for someone like me. It poses a problem for Jake, because the answer to the question "Why does Hemenchuia even post on Wikipediocracy?" is indeed a hard question to answer. At least in a way that doesn't make him look like a sell out motherfucker.

People might understand if he also allowed people like me post, in order to balance out your sort of cult nonsense with hard facts and difficult questions. But no. Too hostile, apparently. :D

It comes at a price. For every ban of someone like me, there has been an equal and just as devastating voluntary departure of someone like Andreas.

I can see the logic. I myself would perhaps even prefer to collaborate with Wikipediocracy's sworn enemy Smallbones and post on Wikipedia's newsletter, where it seems people have more freedom to say what needs to be said, than Wikipediocracy, where certain things and certain people are completely off limits.

Funny that, eh?

You can beg all you want, Andreas isn't coming back. Why would he? It surely offends him as much as it does me, to see you all openly licking the anus of a scum lord like Beeblebrox. A man who epitomises everything that is wrong with Wikipedia, up to and including the fact they let people like Hemenchuia vote on important matters like who should be Wikipedia's moral leadership.

You should feel honoured to have such a loyal protector, someone to keep you safe at night, in true recognition of what you really are. A disease. The slow creeping rot of ever lowering standards in the field of human knowledge, which Wikipedia harnessed and took to the next level.

To wit...

You've no need to say "seriously mentally distrubed", it's implied by previously equally well though out and fully evidenced slurs made by your kind, such as "incel" and the like.

Dumbass. :roll:

Anyway, never mind, that's just me having my fun, demonstrating yet again that Jake would rather have childish braindead wikishits like you posting on a Wikipedia criticism forum, than people who are quite clearly in full possession of ther faculties. He does so love to be surrounded by fans, he'll take them from anywhere, as long as they're nice and loyal.

As for the reasons why Beeblebrox has his own sub forum here, that has been addressed before, and even a dumbass like you is welcome to try and address them if you have a sudden outbreak of remembering you're trying to make people think you're the smart one and I'm the crazy bastard. If you're happy to live in a world where a Wikipedia criticism forum wouldn't do such a thing, and would actually prefer to roll out the red carpet for such a creature, and it's all logical, by all means, advocate away!

Be as specific as you can.


Yeah, I didn't think so. :roll:

Fucking Wikipedia wank skins, ever predictable. Call them out, they shrivel, only to be seen much later saying the same dumb shit, like it hasn't been addressed before.

This is your legacy Jake. This is what you turned Wikipediocracy into.

Top work, Jake! :lol:

Your usefulness now over Hemenchuia, I shall turn to slightly more relevant matters.
Jake wrote:Personally, I've never really seen him as a "hasten-the-dayer." He's more of a "hasten-the-banning-of-anyone-who-crosses-my-pather."
A guy can be both. He would surely have to be, since it seems obvious the reason you banned me, is because you're not really down with the ideological purity a true HTDer brings to your forum.
Vigilant wrote:"Anyone who has ever had the temerity to disagree with me"-er
Oh, the jealousy! There are, of course, plenty of people here I disagree with. We seem to get along fine. And I get along fine with Sashi, yet another person who seems to have decided Wikipediocracy isn't really for them. That they stand with others.

Note the absence here of people crazy enough to advance lesbian power couple conspiracy theories, while at the same time being prepared to support the less crazy aspects of it all. And of course, the absence of people willing to give Beeblebrox head.

And in case you want to go there, being a mere silent bystander while others give Beeblebrox head, is just the same. He probably gets off on you watching! :D

You are what you are, Vigilant. A pet. Neutered. Compliant. Comic relief.

A figure of fun. Only allowed to bark about shit everyone who is serious about Wikipedia criticism knows is irrelevant, and indeed, wholly fucking embarrassing and discrediting. Has Jake ever offered to write up your favourite bone into a delicious Wikipedia destroying missile? Nah, of course not.

He knows it doesn't stand up really, he just hasn't got the guts to tell you. And yet he likes the views it attracts from a certain class of reader from his target audience, Wikipedia. Certified women haters and all round dumbasses like Ritchie333. You know your audience! Jake has selected them for you. Your designated play mates. Embarrassing.

The downside being you do of occasion get your pants pulled down by someone like Worm, and he certainly wasn't after fellating you, was he! :D

Spanked you right nice. Let you be a nice little girl for him, answered all your very polite questions and thanked you for your oh so reverential demeanour, and then spanked you anyway!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

All that effort, all that humiliation, and to come away with it with nothing you can use. Nothing!

I mean, that's got to be embarrassing. But you also surely have to know, that was only partly Jake's fault. Although I guess it's wholly his fault for not having the guts to tell you what you so clearly don't want to hear.

If only you had listened to me. I got your back, bro. Dave said nothing you hadn't already heard from me, right? Why didn't you have an answer?

Why didn't you have your shit correct?

Is it because you thought Jake making me take the long walk somehow meant I didn't matter anymore? Well, that didn't quite work out, did it?

Someone made you look like a right tit, and I wouldn't be so sure it was only Dave who had the idea to make that thread be about forcing you to take a little spanking. I bet they cooked that up in the star chamber itself! On company letter heads and everything.

Oh man alive. There's you warranting only a light spanking, while some of us are apparently still seen as super dangerous threats, for doing nothing more harmful than asking questions that they really don't want to answer.

Kind of puts it in perspective, no. What it cost you, to side with a sell out?

You should have stuck to your guns and defended me to the very end.

Ideological purity my friend. It will never fail you.

As much as I don't like what you have become, even I felt bad at seeing you humiliated like that. It doesn't help that there's few people left there who would see it for what it was. Who remember you didn't used to be such a fool. That you would have been prepared.

No, Jake won't be putting you on the front page any time soon. I think that humiliation was more for an internal audience. More for Beeblebrox's entertainment, I imagine. Or worse, he blindly led you into it! Either way, I'm pretty sure Beeblebrox was laughing his tits off.

But Jake has offered to put me on the front page many times, as you well know. And unlike you, my work hasn't changed. Go check. I still have the same beliefs and weapons.

Offered to put me up in lights many a time. Not that there's many who want to go to that particular party venue anymore, even Fram was a one hit wonder, and he was bringing certified hits! A lack of a mature and insightful audience, or indeed, any audience at all, does rather put the talent off.

Seeing people get a spanking like you did, that's a niche audience, not something for public consumption, I imagine. If they even have any hopes of such things anymore. They say it, but the lack of blogs suggests the opposite.

Sorry to keep embarrassing you, Hemenchuia, but you did rather step into something you clearly knew nothing about. We may look like a divorced couple now, but it wasn't always the case. But hey, thanks for proving what a Wikipedia editor usually brings to the table!

Long on insults, short on knowledge. Incapable of even the most basic research. Loyal only to his little gang in his little moment, his cult away from a cult. Its why serious people hate Wikipedians and Jake so much, in case you hadn't figured it out, you being a dumbass and all.

We don't get along Vigilant because I am a constant reminder of what you could have been, were you prepared to call out Jake for what he is. A sell out. You realised long ago that all the true talent had decided to leave, that Zoloft's new dawn was anything but, but you had got too comfortable in your dog basket.

So be it. Don't judge me for not liking pets. Lots of people think dogs are just dumb animals whose breath smells of anus. Still, you might be the only dog who actually licks the ring of his master, and anyone else he tells you to please!

:oops: :lol: :?
Beeblebrox wrote:The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

I mean, there's like 15 threads about me at any given time.  Obviously Mr Crow finds me fascinating, charming even.
Hey dickhead. You've said this before. :roll:

I've answered it before. :ugeek:

I'm fascinated not by your rather predictable non answers to fact based criticism, you being the epitome of the sort of unaccountable coward that seems to so easily manage to represent Wikipedia at the highest levels.

And I of course slipped up there, because you didn't find it all that easy, did you? An absolute meff like Kudpung gets 400 votes in wikiland, so your 600 shows where you probably sit. Not so attractive to sensible voters, and yet all too attractive to warped scum.

Maybe you disagree, and perhaps you think there is absolutely no crossover between his 400 and your 600. Well, the beauty of having this little sub forum, is to illustrate you are probably wrong, and of course, invite you to offer any rebuttal you might wish to make.


As expected. Kudpung too, isn't exactly known for having the moral character of addressing his critics head on. Sure, he'll construct the odd strawman and generally loudly talk bollocks if he senses an opportunity to grandstand, but hey, fuck me if that's not your talent too!

Hence the sub forum. Not saying it, showing it.

You have, as always, right of reply. This isn't Wikipedia or Wikipediocracy. But we don't much care if you don't avail yourself of that natural right, as you may have figured out by now. Or maybe not. :shrug:

No, my fascination lies with why Wikipediocracy puts up with their forum being seen as merely an extension of Wikipedia by scum like you.

I am fascinated, Jake.

But you already knew that, right? :ugeek:

Beebledick and his cult have their ways, and sure, I guess they work, but silence is not your friend, Jake, not in our niche community. We can all make the rather obvious conclusions in the absence of your explanations.

Nobody is buying that I'm crazy. Nobody is buying that I'm an incel AND I want to have sex with Beeblebrox too. That would be silly.

But hey, if you think that shit flies as a defence for your moral code and chosen contribution to the cause, by all means, keep letting it be said, and I'll keep very publicly stomping the guts out of your nearest and dearest, and asking the question of everyone under your charge.... that what you like, baby? :o ;)

I mean, fuck if you don't make it so easy.

It wouldn't fucking surprise me if you've persuaded all those hiding under your skirts, that rather than the thrill of landing blows on Wikipedia, the thrill of sadomasochism is where it's at.

Your attacks on Fae, that's my idea of a lady protesting too much.

I bet others see it too. :idea:

Ouch. I bet that one really hurt. :mrgreen:

You want another?


Vigilant wrote:He saw me first!
Now now, don't fight.

Plenty of pain to go around.


Naturally though, there is a priority to these things. You must wait your turn. Its stomp on a Wikipedia bad actor first, then stomp on those who suck (in so many ways!) thereafter.

Oh Jake. Why don't you EVER just quit while you're ahead? If you genuinely don't have the answers you keep implying must exist.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I mean, shit, am I not scarily consistent? Have you ever seen me incapable of dealing with what is some pretty pathetic stuff in my same, patented way?

I'm a horrible bastard that way.

I know it works, and you'd be a fool to deny it.

You did cross me. This is your future. For now and ever more.




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Jake Is A Sellout
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Re: They made Smiley/Hillbillyholiday a moderator! And other hilarious fanmail.

Post by Jake Is A Sellout » Sat Dec 18, 2021 12:05 pm

Jake Is A Sellout wrote:
Fri Dec 17, 2021 11:39 pm
Joe Crow wrote:
Fri Dec 17, 2021 5:17 am


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Re: They made Smiley/Hillbillyholiday a moderator! And other hilarious fanmail.

Post by rog » Sun Dec 19, 2021 3:54 pm

Jake Is A Sellout wrote:
Sat Dec 18, 2021 12:05 pm
Jake Is A Sellout wrote:
Fri Dec 17, 2021 11:39 pm
Joe Crow wrote:
Fri Dec 17, 2021 5:17 am


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Merry Christmas!

Post by rog » Fri Dec 24, 2021 8:43 pm

Merry Christmas one and all!
Even you, dear Mick!

Macaulay Cockram

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Re: They made Smiley/Hillbillyholiday a moderator! And other hilarious fanmail.

Post by ericbarbour » Fri Dec 24, 2021 9:49 pm


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