Kraken banned by Zoloft

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Re: Kraken banned by Zoloft

Post by Kraken » Fri May 10, 2024 11:55 pm

Vigilant wrote:Crow is a poorly functioning chatbot who ate a mistranslated thesaurus and gets paid by the word.
The sheer irony of this making absolutely no sense when you stop to think about the meaning of the words as a sentence.

I mean, sure, I guess we can entertain the possibility Vigilant is so smart he intentionally crafted this sentence to be illogical. That would be some next level shit. Impressive.

But no.

He is what he is.

A very dim bulb. Unimaginative. Unintelligent. Unthreatening.

(that's called alliteration, you dumb bastards)

Chin up, Vigilant. On the bright side, you do now look like one of the smartest people on that forum.

Emphasis on look like.

On the downside, when a man (child?) like greenday61892 uses the word "us" over there, we totally get what he means. Everyone gets what he means. It's Beeblebrox all over again. Zoloft just keeps packing the rafters of the Good Ship Feeewings with toys that are not like you, and you just have to keep putting up with it. Biting your lip. Holding our tongue. Suppressing what little rage you have left, post-transition.

It must be difficult. Distracting. Clouding your thinking. Moving you to be impulsive. Easily triggered. Impatient.

I'd imagine that's what prevented you from scanning that sentence for just a tiny bit of internal logic. So that you didn't come across as unintelligent. brainless deficient dense doltish dumb empty-headed foolish half-witted idiotic imbecilic inane meaningless mindless moronic pointless senseless simple simpleminded slow thick-headed unthinking witless.?

Witless. Without wit or wits. Works both ways.

The day they can teach a bot to be this cruel, is the day I hang up my cruelty boots.

For there be no more Vigina to boot them up.

(that's called......ah forget it).


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Re: Kraken banned by Zoloft

Post by boredbird » Sat May 11, 2024 1:30 am

Kraken wrote:
Fri May 10, 2024 11:55 pm
Vigilant wrote:Crow is a poorly functioning chatbot who ate a mistranslated thesaurus and gets paid by the word.
The sheer irony of this making absolutely no sense when you stop to think about the meaning of the words as a sentence.
I haven't checked to see if the domain VigilantSucks has yet been registered but this is not it.

Could you do me a personal favor and focus more fire on the wikilusers? If you want a go at someone over there, why not the Wiki insiders whose participation they so cherish and for whom the red carpets are kept ever close at hand? Off the top of my head I count at least three ArbCom members and two who ran but were never seated, one of whom runs the site . I'm sure I'm forgetting someone.

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Re: Kraken banned by Zoloft

Post by Kraken » Sat May 11, 2024 8:59 am

boredbird wrote:
Sat May 11, 2024 1:30 am
Kraken wrote:
Fri May 10, 2024 11:55 pm
Vigilant wrote:Crow is a poorly functioning chatbot who ate a mistranslated thesaurus and gets paid by the word.
The sheer irony of this making absolutely no sense when you stop to think about the meaning of the words as a sentence.
I haven't checked to see if the domain VigilantSucks has yet been registered but this is not it.

Could you do me a personal favor and focus more fire on the wikilusers? If you want a go at someone over there, why not the Wiki insiders whose participation they so cherish and for whom the red carpets are kept ever close at hand? Off the top of my head I count at least three ArbCom members and two who ran but were never seated, one of whom runs the site . I'm sure I'm forgetting someone.
As I assumed was rather obvious, he sucks because he's clearly been told those people are off limits. This is why WO sucks.

There's plenty of material here about the resident WP pseudo critic vermin over there, much of it produced by me. I'm the reason we have a whole sub forum of dirt on Beeblebrox, exposing his true character. But the sad truth of that site is that those insiders rarely do anything truly worthy of note. Once you've profiled their true character, the analysis holds for years. If I was to highlight every time Beeblebrox tried to turn a promising thread over there into a sad plea for sympathy, and succeeded, I'd never have time for anything else!

Which is the hilarious thing about it all. Under the reign of Comrade Zoloft, they're sucking sooooo much wikidick, for no money at all. Vigilant is the source of much hilarity in that respect. Their one conceivable benefit to cosying up to Wikipedia, is day to day influence. Backlinks! Required companion reading. Acceptability.

Yet Vigina was so consumed with jealousy and insecurity during my recent visit, he duly peed all over the walls, ensuring most of the new arrivals from WP ran back to WP, and the forum returned to the very small and very ineffective venue it has been for years. All those people who said they were glad I was gone by contrast, they were clearly WP shills, not genuine members looking for hard hitting criticism of WP.

Where are these cutouts now? Posting useful stuff? Posting anything at all? Were they even real people? Only Zoloft will know, and for obvious reasons, he will keep his remaining subjects in the dark, fed on shit. This is Vigilant's sad lot in life. He now has to be content with people who were so clearly involved in WP for the wrong reasosn, people like greenday, considering him part of the "we". And he has to bite his tongue. Has to take the small victory that their collective whining eventually got too much for Zoloft. It's hilarious.

The payoff being that it is precisely because Zoloft realises Vigilant is his forum's one last link back to a time when that place was seen as a serious critic venue, he felt it necessary to back him, and soon after, give him his heart's one true desire, my ban.

The man is key to understanding why that place sucks the BIG ONE. Why it is a shadow of its former self. Neither fearsome outsider or influential insider. Neither required reading for Wikipedians or journalists.

So in that light, I'm suspicious of anyone who doesn't think it's the height of good Sucksery, to rub the once might and once fearsome Vigilant's face in the mess of his own making. Day after day. Year after year.

I mean for fuck's sake, they're so far from their original mission, THEY NAMED THE GUY THEIR #1 MEMBER.

And for what? His contribution is what? People who can rustle up a profle pic of a guy who wasn't even hiding, are ten a penny. It's not scary. It holds nobody to account, and they fucking know it. I said it. Broke it down in detail. Proved it. Did it so well, there were no objections. That's why they hate me. I am more intelligent than they are. They have no recourse but to carry on doing this shit. Wittering about masks and bots.

Vigilant does it, posting profile pics, because that's all he can do. The rest is just a bunch of very well worn and increasingly tired if not wholly irrelevant attack lines. He of all people should be aware of how Wikipedia is changing. He's the primary beneficiary in his little pond. Making sure VIGILANT doesn't feeeeeel vewwwwy vewwwwy saaaaaad is now what passes for important in their world. Just as the fake as fuck outrage of Molly is now of primary import in the wiki world.

This is why Vigilant wanted no part of my expose of Molly's block of Chris Troutman. The not so hidden POLITICAL CONTEXT. That and the fact that had he dared to mention it, Zoloft would have given him a whack on the nose with a rolled up newspaper. And the fact he hates to admit I'm a very talented critic.

I see the real issues with startling clarity sometimes. The benefit of distance. Not lying down with the dogs. Not seeing the monkeys in the zoo as if they were human people with human feelings. Because they aren't. Someone who thinks "the content on Wikipedia tends to be very high quality" as Molly said on the record, is not just delusional, they're fucking certifiable.

And Molly isn't a retard. So they're probably just deliberately lying because they're afraid the world will realise Wikipedia isn't the sensible left wing cure to the far right's adoption of pure bullshit as political speech. They are merely what happens when you give absolute nutcases like Katherine Maher control of what is and is not a fact.

My analysis of the Admins is showing the purge. It was real. It happened. Wikipedia did use to have a much healthier cross section of political opinion, where it matters. In the positions of power. The line managers. And that's what you need for the true NPOV.

Where was Wikipediocracy when all this was happening? Wittering on about a batshit lesbian power couple conspiracy theory and considering the fight against Trump to be for more important than the analysis of the day to day abuses of BASIC Wikipedia policy that benefit political POV pushers on both sides during such tumultuous times, as I recall. That's what happens when all you have that passes for true independence, is a VIGILANT.

Not so Vigilant, was he? He's either dumb or just another Valley lefty. He says so little, we may never know.

He's quiet about these things, avoiding matters of substance, because he knows I am watching.

Ready to strike at the heart of the man. Because that's my true skill. Horrible. Bastard. But never wrong.

I don't think I could be as good as I am eslewhere, as I approach the C's in my 80 day tour around the Admin Corps, without my daily fix of kicking him in the nuts and complimenting him on the pretty dress Zoloft makes him wear.

It is deeply satisfying work.

It is important work.

People need to know why they suck.

This is why.

If you doubt my analysis, offer a different theory.

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Re: Kraken banned by Zoloft

Post by Carrite » Sat May 11, 2024 4:05 pm

boredbird wrote:
Sun Apr 28, 2024 10:08 pm
Kraken wrote:
Sat Apr 27, 2024 9:31 am
Like a ninja, I slipped in silently, quietly, not rocking the boat.
Don't kid yourself. Tarantino spotted you right away but decided to let you post again. Same as we do.
I'm sure you could sound like someone else if you tried, but that would make it work, not fun; you enjoy your trademark diatribes too much to forswear them.
I'm sure the mods had you IDed very, very early on, if they didn't know immediately. You added value to the conversation — a lot of it — and while you were pulling punches (or writing less............... intensely, as I would prefer to phrase it), it seemed like a pretty good fit.

I think going political was a mistake — know your audience and know your publisher. Once you did go down that path, incessant chanting the right wing populist buzzword of the day ("woke") like a Trumper in a pickup truck hastened the outcome.

I liked reading much of your stuff and don't mind reading political views I don't agree with, but that seems to have been a minority view among the inner circle of decision-makers, of which I am not one.

Like I say: come back soon.


P.S. Early on I thought there was only a 60 or 70% chance that Kraken = Crow. You did a nice job of reigning it in... But there's no doubt that others were more sure of this earlier.

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Re: Kraken banned by Zoloft

Post by Kraken » Sat May 11, 2024 7:52 pm

Carrite wrote:
Sat May 11, 2024 4:05 pm
I think going political was a mistake — know your audience and know your publisher. Once you did go down that path, incessant chanting the right wing populist buzzword of the day ("woke") like a Trumper in a pickup truck hastened the outcome.
Zolfot has got you brainwashed. This is why he deleted posts of mine by the dozen, after his no warning ban. Now you don't even remember what really happened, do you? I think I said woke maybe twice. He banned me because of the context.

He's protecting Wikipedia from scrutiny.

I don't know how anyone joining a Wikipedia criticism site would have ever assumed it was unacceptable to explain the reasons why Molly White showed utter contempt for her colleagues, or explain why Katherine Maher is an absurd appointment for NPR (and why Molly White has a different view).

This is the politics Zoloft doesn't want on his forum.

And that's fine. Take a look around. The journalists have voted with their feet.

They don't want what Comarde Zoloft is selling. Because it's transparent non-neutral propaganda.

They want a site that will explain how and why Wikipedia has gone so wrong, they're genuinely proposing to ban the Daily Telegraph as a source for trans topics.

If or when the British media get a hold of that story, there's nothing Molly White will be able to say that doesn't make it look insane.

Peope will want to know who "Your Friendly Neighborhood Sociologist" is. They'll want to know why nobody familiar with Wikipedia stepped in when he was doing even more insane things like writing garbage essays that criminalise standard political thought in Britain.

This will show them the effect of the pre-eminent "criticism" site having been captured by the very forces dragging the already very left biased Wikipedia into straight up WokeLand.

This will be added to the pile of evidence that proves Wikipedia cannot be trusted. This will continue to inform laws designed to protect British children from Wikipedia. Naturally Wikipedia will tell the sovereign British government to go fuck itself.

And so it goes.

The effect of this utter stupidity is already being felt. Wikipedia isn't on course for world domination. It can't even manage to appear to be not insane to its most valued international partner. It isn't on course to be ubiquitous. The youth are turning their backs on it. it's slipping into the hands of Big Tech. There a very real risk it will have failed to stop Trump twice.

The very last people who will acknowledge such things as true and real, is Molly White or her publisher, Zoloft.

And for that, they can go to hell.

And as a man of my word, that is where I shall take them.

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Re: Kraken banned by Zoloft

Post by Kraken » Sat May 11, 2024 10:17 pm

Vigilant wrote:He says he 'came in like a ninja'.

He was made the first day.

What a dipshit.
Well you certainly proved that claim beyond any doubt.

Look at all those links!

You dumbass.

There is AT LEAST one post by Jake that contradicts this claim, as I recall. Talking about the ninja skills I used to defeat their super sophisticated defence mechanisms.

I can't give you a link because your pathetic masters don't allow banned people to view their full history.

Are you sure you're a Wikipedia critic?

All I see you do these days is defend stuff Wikipedians love to do.

You utter rim-job.

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Re: Kraken banned by Zoloft

Post by badmachine » Sat May 11, 2024 11:17 pm

they did the same thing to LargelyRecyclable, one of the only posters to make thoughtful posts to the plagued ukraine war thread. Somey even stealth edited his posts if he didnt stick to western spellings of ukrainian cities. :jerkoff:

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Re: Kraken banned by Zoloft

Post by suckadmin » Sun May 12, 2024 12:21 am

We have a rule about not coming here to complain about being banned from WP. Maybe it needs to be expanded to include complaining about being banned from other WP criticism forums? :flamingbanana:

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Re: Kraken banned by Zoloft

Post by boredbird » Sun May 12, 2024 12:37 am

suckadmin wrote:
Sun May 12, 2024 12:21 am
We have a rule about not coming here to complain about being banned from WP. Maybe it needs to be expanded to include complaining about being banned from other WP criticism forums? :flamingbanana:
Dunno about a rule…explaining what had happened was interesting and useful but it's now been thoroughly explored and we don't' need to hear any more about Zoloft and Vigilant at this time. How can he expect them to stop insulting him if he won''t stop insulting them?

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Re: Kraken banned by Zoloft

Post by suckadmin » Sun May 12, 2024 12:41 am

boredbird wrote:
Sun May 12, 2024 12:37 am
suckadmin wrote:
Sun May 12, 2024 12:21 am
We have a rule about not coming here to complain about being banned from WP. Maybe it needs to be expanded to include complaining about being banned from other WP criticism forums? :flamingbanana:
Dunno about a rule…explaining what had happened was interesting and useful but it's now been thoroughly explored and we don't' need to hear any more about Zoloft and Vigilant at this time. How can he expect them to stop insulting him if he won''t stop insulting them?
I dunno but they're living rent free in his head. I mean we have a section here about the forum because it's "terrible" so what do you expect? :shrug: They think this forum is terrible :twitter_blue:

Also there's a difference between explaining and whining which may be subjective. A know it when you see it kind of thing about a user who is already on thin thin thin ice. Please recall why he had to slum it on another forum in the first place e.

Also 6 pages to explain? I read the first post and it's all high school clique drama.. who cares?
Last edited by suckadmin on Sun May 12, 2024 12:54 am, edited 3 times in total.
