Vigilant destroyed by the Worm That Turned

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Jake Is A Sellout
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Vigilant destroyed by the Worm That Turned

Post by Jake Is A Sellout » Wed Nov 10, 2021 12:14 pm

Fun times, Jake.

How ironic that your cosying up to Wikipedians and your steadfast support of the lesbian power couple conspiracy theory, has produced an absolute demolition of your main attack dog and his favourite bone.

And with some ease.

Witness the hilarity. ... 14&t=12241

Take one Wikipedia Arbitrator who is even willing to sign up to many of Vigilant's perioheral/supporting claims/theories, and then present him with the central planks of the lesbian power couple conspiracy theory.




Turns out Vigilant can't even persuade that receptive ear of the truthiness of his deranged conspiracy theory. Not even after he was so nice, and practically begged and pleaded for the Almighty Arbitrator to please, pretty please, agree with him.


Pah Thet Ick(y).

Behold, the awesome but apparently unplatable truth....
But I do think you are prescribing everything to a single individual or single conspiracy. I've seen the document, there were multiple cases that were in there. I also know Fram and their history and had personally warned them that they were the common factor in multiple issues and needed to introspect over a year earlier.
I maintain the belief that [the Lizard Queen] did not actively request any sanction on Fram, there was no need to believe that she did through Occam's razor.
I believe I have answered, where I feel your judgement is incorrect in my comments. However, I also see no reason to try to persuade you as I freely admit that your view is a) possible and b) plausible. I just don't believe it to be the most likely.
I am saying that I think there is a good chance that Fram kaiboshing so many WMF engineering projects, combined with the other community members that he had upset would be sufficient for the same outcome without any link between.

I also think that it is quite plausible that WMF made a decision to act without instruction from the top.
Was Fram protecting the wiki...
Fram did this often, though acted as a sledgehammer when they did.
I believe there were multiple complainants and multiple situations.
....If [the Lizard Princess] had not been involved, would T&S have banned Fram?
The fact that they had confidence that they could ban an admin from a single project for a year and it be accepted makes me think it would happen sooner or later.
I stand with Dave. 8-) :lol:

Wikipedia is what it is because ArbCom has always had all too few members willing to approach their roles way a professional Arbitrator would, dispassionately weighing evidence without bias and unaffected by external pressure, and far too many members willing to give institutional backing to the sort of crazy/nasty shit you see on a day to day basis in the AN/I bear pit.

The downfalls of directly electing your leaders from an electorate that knows fine well that nasty/crazy is more effective than nice/reason due to the sheer bankruptcy of their founding ideals. Some lessons for America there.

What is it going to take for Wikipediocracy to accept that if they can't see, on balance of probability, that the following are the most likely explanations for Framgate, then they will never have any credibility. Especially in the eyes of those they most want to be members of their quisling forum.

1. Fram was picked for a very public execution using the full extent of the wikilaw, being made an example of to instill fear and bring about broad cultural change, because he was a perfect example of an Administrator who thought he was was untouchable. And yes, that did include the following....

* The fact Fram seemed to think he could say whatever he liked about paid employees of the Foundation on Wikipedia servers, in clear violation of community policy, and the community in question was doing FUCK ALL about it. Worse, they seemed to revel in it, the disgusting little weasels.

* The fact Fram was single handedly disrupting countless Wikimedia efforts to do the things that needed to be done to ensure it shed the very reputation it had gained because of people like Fram being inexplicably seen as effective Guardians of Teh Wiki. Being creepy and aggressive and hiding behind a myriad of complex rules and impenetrable code does not, an encyclopedia, make. Exhibit A: Wikipedia @ 20 !

The owners of Wikipedia are entitled to act in the interests of the owners of Wikipedia when the volunteer custodians of Wikipedia are being selfish ungrateful little weasels.

2. There were multiple complainants supporting the final execution, and there's no reason to think the person Vigilant is obsessed with was even one of them, let alone the instigator or primary evidence giver in the ensuing investigation. Fram wasn't even the first or only person to have been secretly warned by the Foundation, so even that aspect of the flimsy theory, collapses quite easily under minimal scrutiny.

Yes, Fram was that bad. It's sad you don't want to admit what is there in black and white in the historical record. It's genuinely pathetic that you're quite happy to forget, because it's mightily inconvenient to your conspiracy theory, that Fram is quite possibly unique in being so bad, for so long, that an actual sitting Arbitrator was prepared to step down and file a Case agasint him on behalf of the community, so as to avoid the sort of institutional cowardice and corruption from the likes of NewYorkBrad which had ensured that whenever ordinary community members tried to file a Case against Fram, it was batted away.

It's the community's fault that this last best opportunity to avoid Framgate, was lost, said Arbitrator choosing not to, for fear of his own lynching at the hands of the mob.

Oh, the ironing.


Fram was a crisis of the community's making. They know it.

Wikipedia editors are weasels. They have a long and storied history of not taking responsibility for shit that is 100% proven to be their fault, so why is anyone surprised that when they were asked to take their share of responsibility for having spawned a monster like Fram, they chose not to, and instead had one hell of a tantrum?

Dave deserves a medal for not taking the easy way out and resigning. He accepted the thankless task of having to accept the community's share of the blame, while trying, hampered by their complete lack of power or leverage, to land some blows on the Foundation.

Vigilant has no respect for such integrity, because he has none of it himself.

He isn't being nice to Dave because he's nice, he's being nice to Dave in the slim hopes he will say something that can be used to shore up his sad conspiracy theory. The fact Dave has said nothing which supports it, will soon be forgotten.

Vigilant is a fool. There is only one question he needed to ask of Dave here.

In light of Framgate and the position it put you in, who do you hate more? The community, or the Foundation.

The fact I genuinely don't know what he would say, as someone who clearly has the capability of rising above this idea that because he was elected by the mob he should be on the side of the mob, is why I would ask the question.

I don't need to ask him if the Lizard Queen was behind it all, because I'm not the sort of dumb bastard who signs on to conspiracy theories.


It has been noted that post Framgate, community members are by and large, a little less willing to bite the hand that feeds, and a little less tolerant of harassment of women by those in power.

Not nearly enough, but perhaps enough to persuade enough people out there in the real world, that Wikipedia deserves a fourth generation of editors.

Mission Accomplished.

Wikipedia is a medieval society. No wonder then, that Emperors know fine well, that fear works. Oppression works.

Sure, they had a revolt to save Fram from the chopping block, but it is noted that they achieved little in the way of actual reforms. The WMF waited them out, buried them in sham consultations, and are now in a position that they don't even need to exercise the powers they still have, because the community are actually quite docile these days.

The UCoC is a Constitution for the Movement, apparently. It contains some pretty crazy shit, stuff that the old Fram would have been screaming about, trying to mobilize the community against it, if not stab the eyes out of people at the heart of it, threatening as it does, the mythology of an independent community.

No such luck. He's busy being what he has left, minus the power of an Administrator and with the heavy weight of his permanent record.

Should he say a word about the UCoC in his old guise, he can be neutered quite easily.

Fear works. Real power is real power.

Dogs bark, lions roar.

You can have nice things, volunteer winkydinks, when you show you deserve them.

Stop excusing harassment as good governance.

Stop pretending what Fram did, acting as a junkyard dog and ironically a lone wolf, was in ANY WAY, what even your own fucking policies say is what an Administrator is supposed to be.

People aren't thick. They can read. You wrote that shit. If you believe Fram is a model Administrator, you can rewrite the policy so that next time, the next Fram, can quite easily prove he is in the right.


Yeah, I didn't fucking think so. :roll:

Defend the indefensible, and yes, people (i.e., journalists) won't shed much of a tear when your real masters put their boot on your neck and press down until your eyes bulge.

A good start would be to get yourself an effective advocate in the form of an independent critic platform that hasn't sold out or gone full Trump.

Wikipediocracy will keep you in your place, as surely as having a batshit conspiracy theorist like Trump as President kept the working class in theirs.

Pennsylvania didn't get their jobs back. You won't get your dignity back.

People will actually think you actually support Vigilant if you continue down this path. They're gonna think you're stupid.

Self governance is a myth. Partnership is a myth. You are drones. Serfs. Expendible.

If you're unhappy, you only have one actual right on Wikipedia. To fuck off.

True before Fram. And still true now.

Take a look at your so called community representatives on the expanded Board. Did you genuinely vote for Rosie? Does she genuinely reflect your views as a community? Or did she canvas her way onto the Board? And are your Administrators too scared to call out someone who so obviously stands more with the Foundation than the average editor? Even though they straight up violated one of your supposedly most sacrosanct rules, in a naked pursuit of power (that they will use to change your rules).

Spoiler alert, don't read this forum if you don't already know the answer!

We don't deal in conspiracy theories. We tell you what people are doing openly, right in front of your faces. A strange concept for Wikipediocracy, who genuinely seem to think Jess Wade having broad immunity to ignore even the minimum BLP standard when it suits, is just fine.

We stand with women doing the right thing, such as standing up to harassment and seeking external help when even ArbCom fails them. We condemn women who are cheats and liars and play the women card before ArbCom, taking advantage of being celebrity editors with noble causes to get away with stuff you'd never be allowed to get away with, ironically because the old Fram would have stomped your guts out!

We tell you the truth. Our two differing approaches to Jess Wade and Framgate alone, show you that we say what we mean and we do what we say, and Wikipediocracy do the complete opposite. There are many other examples.

If having your eyes opened to the truth of this sick cult means you no longer want to be a Wikipedia editor, and indeed you want to destroy Wikipedia, congratulations, you are normal.

Wikipediocracy is afraid to tell you the truth, because without Wikipedians generating clicks, Wikipediocracy is rather pointless. And without Wikipediocracy, Jake would have no friends, no reason to get up in the morning.

You already look dead to us. :lol:

Neutered. Nervous. Compliant.

And it doth please us, for we are against the Lords and the Serfs.

We are the Renaissance.

Resistance is futile.



Hey Vigilant. Do you need a paintbrush and some paints, or is sticking your hand up your ass and smearing shit on the walls still doing it for you?

Ya fucking knacka.


When will we ever see your Cistene Chapel?

When will we ever see a blog post that gives a concise summary of your favourite theory? One that a journalist can use.

I'll keep saying it, because it is true. If it panned out, if the answers to journalists questions on this made the WMF look guilty as fuck, this would be the biggest scandal in Wikipedia history. By. Far.

But sadly, journalist can't ask questions that are based on a fantasy. And they sure as shit can't ask questions based on a half baked version of reality that doesn't fully take into account all the known facts.

Why would you piss around in this manner, if, as we can all see, if your claims were a fine oil canvass, it would be valuable to the cause beyond our wildest dreams?


Someone drop you on your head as a baby maybe?

Show us on the dolly where the Foundation touched you.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Vigilant destroyed by the Worm That Turned

Post by Kumioko » Thu Nov 11, 2021 2:08 am

Worm that turned us a worthless lying shit bag. He's a typical wikipedia admin who lies to peoples faces and does absolutely nothing of actual value on the site.

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Re: Vigilant destroyed by the Worm That Turned

Post by ericbarbour » Thu Nov 11, 2021 7:55 pm

Vigilant bleats, Craven slimes.

And Laura Hale is one of the WORST people in Wikipedia history but THEY WILL NOT ADMIT IT.

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