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Zoloft steps down from moderating

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 5:39 pm
by CrowsNest
This coward hasn't even got the guts to say if he overruled his own board admin to fuck me over, but in a magical coincidence, he's now decided to step down from moderating and discipline duties and concentrate on content. That'll be a laugh. The guy can't write for shit, and thinks Kingsindian is their most knowledgeable poster. Nobody that stupid is set for a Pulitzer any time soon. He'll get no serious feedback from his own sheep of course, even if they detect the obvious errors, because why would you bother? Why upset the shepherd when your own insecurities may see you need to call ien him for your own protection again. He should have stepped down in the reorganisation that occurred a while ago - it's no coincidence that this was a complete failure and he essentially remained in the command seat.

Re: Zoloft steps down from moderating

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 6:27 am
by Strelnikov
He would over-rule and do things he thought you wanted (even if you didn't) all the time. I once brought up in off-topics this Wikia I had found on the 147.435 ham radio repeater in Los Angeles. That machine is a "free speech" repeater and all the local malcontent hams use it, so the Wikia was like Encyclopedia Dramatica. I was dumb enough to post a link, and Zoloft went to the site and wrecked it.

He sees himself as the Ultimate SysOp.

Re: Zoloft steps down from moderating

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 11:19 am
by CrowsNest
He's taking a leaf out of Snowflake John Carter's book - not content with having announced it once, he's now pathetically turning up in random threads just to remind people his snowflake ass has done a snowflake thing, presumably hoping people will show sympathy. What a weak little man. Isn't he supposed to be over 60? Aren't people supposed to have grown out of this sort of thing by then?
Yes, mixed emotions reading through it. Glad I’m out of the disciplinary side now.
No sign of any of this promised content work yet. In the time he's spent crying, I've cranked out a post on one of the newest Wikipediocracy admins. This is the difference between snowflakes and real critics, one says, the other does.
Let's fill discussions with critical observations about Wikipedia and the WMF, not each other so much.
Not only will this not happen because of the class of people he attracts and protects - hypocritical cowardly snowflakes - it won't be done because there's nobody there who has any will or desire to make critical observations, none that are new or worthwhile anyway.

Re: Zoloft steps down from moderating

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 11:18 pm
by ericbarbour
Don't forget, he's still got this "advertisement" for a new sysop for WO. It's now a year old and NO ONE has taken him up on the offer (at least, no one he found "acceptable").
Wikipediocracy needs a new Administrator to back me up on WordPress and phpBB maintenance.

We are also in need of two or more forum Global Moderators, to police spammers and keep the peace.

If you're interested, PM me.

Qualifications for Administrator:

Some knowledge of WordPress and its themes, plug-ins and widgets.
Experience running a phpBB forum, BBCode, security, and groups.
Some experience with FTP, .htaccess, and robots.txt would be nice, but not mandatory

Qualifications for Moderator:

A good even Temperament
Ability to pull the trigger

Here's your opportunity to have your name in green or red.
Note: You will have to disclose your real-life identity to our existing Trustees, and be approved by them..

I suspect he's starting to lose it....

Re: Zoloft steps down from moderating

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 11:22 pm
by ericbarbour
Plus this thread is hilarious. If that really is the infamous Andy "Karmafist" Sylvia, I'd like to invite him to this forum instead. Low-rent fucknozzle AndyTheGrump is NOT welcome here.

Remember this classic?
According to Kelly Martin, Andy was the focus of some extremely dirty tricks by the insider gang:

"I found this choice gem from Jimmy while looking through old emails about Karmafist:"

"Well, as it is, he is on-notice that I am prepared to go meatspace on him if he keeps it up. Despite his defiant response, he may in the fullness of time realize that acting like a junior revolutonary teenager may not be the best way to influence Wikipedia policy and could very well backfire on him in some serious ways."
"He has two positions, as I understand it. One, minor elected official. Two, head of the Democratic party in his area. I rather suspect that the second job is held at the pleasure of the higher-ups in the state democratic party, and a phone call to someone there might work wonders."
"To date, 3 different Senators have contacted me to randomly suck up to me."
"Smart politicians understand that pissing off Wikipedia is not a good idea."

"This was at least partially in response to this from Steve Dunlop:"

"Actually, the greater problem he has is that we have evidence implicating him in a violation of 18 USC 1030 (A)(2)(c), which would get him one year in the federal pen and disqualify him from holding elected office. While our evidence isn't conclusive it would be enough to get a warrant; the practical problem we would face is that the federal agencies charged with investigating violations of 18 USC 1030 aren't especially interested in any but the most egregious violations. The fact that he's an elected official might help, though."

Re: Zoloft steps down from moderating

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 1:09 am
by CrowsNest
I actually reached out to karmafist over PM when he first returned, as I feared he was suicidal or something. He just brushed me off. It's also bizarre that he's yet again asking for ideas for how to fight back - I told him I had plenty first time around, but they really should be discussed in private, given the Wikipedians lurk everywhere. He didn't take me up on the offer.

Andy's response was classic, a perfect example of Zoloft's dishonesty when claiming he's all about fostering an environment of mutual respect.

Re: Zoloft steps down from moderating

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 11:33 am
by CrowsNest
A content post! Impressive. I am awestruck. ... 54#p216254

Re: Zoloft steps down from moderating

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 6:34 pm
by Kumioko
The problem I see with this is that although Zoloft isn't perfect, who else is going to do it? Greybeard? Greg?

Re: Zoloft steps down from moderating

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 6:59 pm
by CrowsNest
Jake and Tarantino, apparently. Hope they don't both catch a cold at the same time, they might come back and find the place is just a burning shell.

Re: Zoloft steps down from moderating

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2018 5:18 am
by The End
Kumioko wrote:The problem I see with this is that although Zoloft isn't perfect, who else is going to do it? Greybeard? Greg?

Zoloft has been wanting to go for a long time, but no one wants the position. Greybeard has pretty much stayed out of major decisions, at least publicly. Greg is pretty good on some technical aspects, but nowhere near the level of Zoloft, Greybeard, or Jake/Somey. The reboot was to bring in fresh people and it was hoped some of the newer people would take over some, if not all, the leadership positions and breath new life into the site. It was not to be. Not even a Bea Arthur.