Wales gets his little fat ass kissed by another journalist

Because no one else is doing it--not even the media.
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Wales gets his little fat ass kissed by another journalist

Post by ericbarbour » Thu Nov 30, 2023 8:22 pm ... n-50-years

Where to begin here? Ugh.

So many lies, half-truths and omissions. As usual with Jimbo.
"Most businesses, not just charities like us, would say you have to be really, really careful if you're going to put at the heart of your business a technology that's controlled by someone else because if they go in a different direction, your whole business may be at risk," he said.
Yeah, don't fuck up repeatedly--like Jimmy Wales did. People's Operator, anyone? Quora, anyone? And how's the Jimmy Wales Foundation going? Not good, is it? What about WikiTribune? What about Bomis and all the attempted spinoffs?
To create a gender balance and combat disinformation, Wikipedia has its own army of "Wikipedians" who are mostly male volunteer editors. Wales said that Wikipedians can see the difference between fake websites and can easily tell if the text was written by a human.
HA HA HA HA what a bunch of shit. No "Gender Balance" has ever resulted and it never will. And those neebs can't tell if a text item was AI generated or not--I fully expect to find that someone is quoting AI generated propaganda to a WP article right now. No one is monitoring this and no one cares -- until a media scandal results.
"Most businesses, not just charities like us,
Didn't they push him out and revoke all his advanced permissions? It is "lightly mentioned" here.
"We don't want to teach robots to be biased, so we want to get it right as at the sort of the human heart of the whole thing".
You mean, not like the human freaks who run your encyclo-thing are biased, eh?

And at the end, Trust Cafe is mentioned.
Last week at Web Summit, Wales announced the beta version of his project called Trust Cafe, a new online community he says will give power to its most trusted members.
Have a prediction: IT WILL FAIL. Because he will pack it with his friends and camp followers, they will act like paranoid little dictators, money will bleed away, and no one will hang around to use it.

\If you look at Davies' Muckrack listing, you find that this article was translated into numerous languages and spread far and wide. Double ugh.
Last edited by ericbarbour on Thu Nov 30, 2023 8:35 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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