Purge the Portals!

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Re: Purge the Portals!

Post by CrowsNest » Tue Apr 10, 2018 12:57 pm

ericbarbour wrote:I will give you that SOME of those portals have legitimate uses. But most tend to be fanboy jack-off sessions that never end--they are just forgotten.

Wikiprojects are even WORSE. Bet you didn't know there's a "Council", that appears to do nothing but be a bureaucratic shitfest. They have semi-coherent blathering "ROOLZ" and all kinds of pointless overhead. They THINK there are 833 "active" projects. Unfortunately if the shits bothered to look at any of them, they would discover than 90% or more are basically dead and drifting hulks.....

Their talkpage is a catch-all squabble, just like most other "offishul" noticeboards. They claim at the top there are 2,600 Wikiprojects, but admit they don't know how many are active or who is participating--or even which is the most popular (it's still Military History if you go by noticeboard traffic).

And there you are, clear proof that Wikipedia generates useless bureaucracy. And refuses to deal with it openly.

(What is this shit?? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia ... s_in_media)
I'm well aware of the nature of Projects and their Council. The problems with those are actually even worse than you describe, since they are also often used as platforms to exercise ownership and organise canvassing. Perhaps the worst recent example, one which verged on a complete co-option of the wider community as some kind of sub-cult, is the recent war over medical videos.

The issue at hand is the difference between practice and theory, reality and potential. These attempts by the Wikipediots to get rid of anything that is not 'working' in some misguided belief that it will produce a dividend in their 'core' interest, is the whole point. It is self-defeating and indeed nonsensical. Their arguments for binning Portals specifically, literally make no sense.

When did anyone ever hear of a scandal or massive time-sink emerging from the Portal space? Up until this pointless proposal, in terms of actual drama to drama potential ratio, Portals have got to be the best thing to have ever happened to Wikipedia. Their cost-benefit ratio must be huge, largely because it seems like they don't involve much beurocracy, and maintaining them is surely a piece of piss for any editor who is deeply immersed in the topic (and that person is also most likely to be a heavy lifter in the articles themselves).

If they ever choose to evolve their community in the direction of recognising topic specialists as a thing, people who are entitled to more say than randoms over a specified domain, then quite obviously their first duty would be to be the keeper of the keys to the Portal, as well as probably grand Chief Poobah of the Project.

This current trend, part of Wikipedia's panic-decline phase undoubtedly, the purge of what they see as worthless orbital junk (and Outlines and Projects will surely be next) belies their total failure to appreciate what Wikipedia's theroetical model actually is, namely collaboration. Understood in practice to be for any given topic, one or two heavy lifters, with sporadic help from others who all have their specialisms. Done well, this requires coordination. Projects are the factory floor, but Portals are their shop window, noticeboard and recruiting office.

When they've binned the Portals, and the Outlines, and the Projects, and indeed every last thing that meets these bizarre definitions of what is useless and distracting, and it still doesn't result in any improvement in how well or even efficiently they create and maintain the core business of articles, what then?

Everything on Wikipedia is basically a fanboy jackoff session, it's a byproduct of not paying editors and not providing any other legitimate reason for smart and sane people to contribute. That's kind of the point.

If Wikipedia was transformed tomorrow, becoming the exclusive domain of serious and smart people with a genuine desire to build a respected encyclopedia, then I cannot think of a single reason why they would not be enthusiastic advocates of Portals and Projects (but I have no doubt they'd bin Outlines as useless duplication).

As many people in that debate have pointed out, if the criteria for getting rid of something on Wikipedia on the grounds it must be extraneous if it is little read and poorly maintained, that has serious implications, describing as it does much of the actual content!

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Re: Purge the Portals!

Post by CrowsNest » Wed Apr 11, 2018 12:37 pm

This debate is fast reminding me of the ridiculous discussion which led to 'approval' of Flagged Revisions by a supposedly wide margin of support many years ago now. But which, because it was such an idiotic vote, it led to years of confusing follow up 'clarification' proposals with rapidly diminishing returns, before finally the abortion that is Pending Changes being plopped out the other end. And as anyone can see, that is a confusing and complex boondoggle, and nobody is any the wiser as to why they did it or what it has supposedly fixed.

I certainly haven't noticed any decrease in the number of controversies resulting from open and immediate edit access to sensitive articles. Nor have I seen any congratulatory pieces about how sensistive articles are so much more open to editing, albeit delayed, than compared to those under the simple and easy to understand measure of semi-protection (this was Jimmy's attempted justification - he hasn't been asked, and presumably just doesn't care, about the future of Portals).

This debate is virtually the same - lots of idiots saying shit they have no evidence for, with the emergence of two completely mutually incompatible schools of thought......

1. Portals are not being maintained, so they must be defunct, ergo delete.

2. Readers aren't viewing portals, so the significant amount of editor time spent on maintaining them is being wasted, ergo delete

Hey Wikiepdiots, one of these propositions must be false, right? Either you are not going to get the dividend you want, so why do it, or you are about to close a feature which is costing nothing but has huge potential.

There are also some really desperate claims being made now too. Apparently bad actors are exploiting the little watched Portal space to produce stuff which subtly skews Wikipedia content. Yeah, right. Perhaps the reason the person advancing this claim qualified it merely as a potential problem, is because he already knows it isn't happening, and his claim that the fact Portals are supposedly little read is not the point re. this 'problem', is actually whole point. As always, the fact this problem already demonstrably exists in article space and they seem no nearer to solving it (and can't solve it by simply removing the articles), passes them by.

And in the grand tradition of Wikipedia, evidence is now starting to emerge, and which lends support to the idea that readers are at least finding the Portals just as interesting as things like the Help Desk and other parts of the site considered crucial, given equal chance to find them. But it is way too late to turn the tide of initial bullshit based voting. And because the person giving it is Andrew Davidson, the community (specifically the sort of experienced or enthusiastic admin which will tackle this closure) has been conditioned by scum like Fram et al to view him as nothing more than a nuisance troll, so it will be (quite secretly) overlooked.

If the Flagged Revisions/Pending Changes debacle is any guide, then they are putting themselves on a course where the amount of editor time wasted on trying to clarify what this all means and how to implement the 'will of the community', will hugely eclipse any time supposedly being wasted on keeping them around.

This is why Wikipedia is doomed to fail. Because they have known for years, proven with academic research even, that disorganised mass debates like this are counter-productive. If you want to actually make big decisions for the good of the project in an efficient and effective way while still actually reflecting consensus, you do actually have to put some effort into the exercise, specifically giving it structure, direction and identified deliverables, and actively managing it all, so bullshit is minimised and facts are prioritised.

You can't just slap up a vote and hope for the best, trusting it to the wisdom of the crowd. Because the defining feature of the crowd, and Wikipedia has proven this time and again, is that most people are stupid and wilfully ignorant. Because of this, you invariably end up with the worst after making a half-assed run at it, even if you have the best of intentions, which people doing this sort of thing on Wikipedia often don't.

They know this, and yet they still do it. They never learn. They are incapable of institutional growth and development.


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Re: Purge the Portals!

Post by CrowsNest » Wed Apr 11, 2018 1:13 pm

Carcharoth has finally ensured Wikipediocracy at least has a thread on this topic......

http://wikipediocracy.com/forum/viewtop ... f=8&t=9213

He seems to have improved his game, and the OP is at least informative and thought provoking, and presented in terms that are relevant to critics. He previously used to just slap up a thread which was a barely concealed attempt to canvass, and nothing more.

Still, Wikipediocracy being what it is, it wasn't worth his time. Their policy of being open, welcoming and even protective of dipshit Wikipedians like Anroth, merely being happy that they post, has inevitably meant that the very first response to the thread was merely Anroth giving his idiotic view as a Wikipeddiot. It offers no value, because it is exactly the sort of shit you can find in the actual Wikipedia debate. It certainly doesn't answer Carcharoth's questions. And because they've banned me, it is unlikely they will benefit from the sort of response it deserves. I'll give it below, although obviously it would be politer. They like polite. Even though people like Anroth, are definitely not polite.
It wasnt that it wasnt very good. Listen, you moron. The guy didn't ask if it was any good, he asked if that is what people think, why did it take so long for them to act? In theory (and even in execution in some parts) it worked well for what it was intended to do - as long as dedicated editors kept it up to date, and it was a portal related to high traffic articles. Well done, you just described the basic problem that affects every aspect of Wikipedia. Are you smart enough to realise that? (reads ahead - no, it looks like you're not) Because the vast majority are not kept up to date and are related to areas that are not high visibility/high traffice, its just a waste of time. Prove it. Exactly whose time is wasted? And where would it be better deployed? As already seen, those who previously made Portals but who now prefer to work on articles because they see it as a waste of time, have already made that choice. Nobody is forced to maintain portals, and indeed one editor has said he will retire if idiots like you deprive him of what he apparently likes doing - creating and maintaining them. If people wanted to read what Wikipedidiots think but don't care to substantiate (Or defend on Wikipediocracy. Because I already know you're a coward who wouldn't defend it), they can just look at the Wikipedia debate itself, where unsubstantiated views like this proliferate.

There is a good argument for having a broad overview for some topic areas linked from the main page - say one for Math, Science, History etc. With links to the highest quality work in the area. And as long as its kept at a high-level rather than drilling down to individual sub-topics, it would require less maintenence and upkeep. And the reason you failed to give the good argument here is what exactly? As before, this is just your unsubstantiated opinion isn't it? Fuck off back to Wikipedia with this mindless shit, where it belongs. Serious critics can understand the implicit argument here, and easily demolish it - the ideas that underpin it have already been shown to not work in article space.

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Re: Purge the Portals!

Post by CrowsNest » Wed Apr 11, 2018 7:40 pm

Just had a chuckle to myself as I reviewed how and why the Featured Portal process was discontinued. spoiler alert: boldly marked as historical after a period of inactivity, endorsed SNOWily at the Village Pump.

Two things stood out. One was the sight of Beeblebrox voting endorse while also admitting they had no clue it had even been a thing. Second was now much time they devoted to discussion of what to do with the star icon - does it have value, once the process to remove it no longer exists? Sad.

More importantly for the future health of Wikipedia in general - what nobody seemed remotely interested in, was discussing how to revive it. I'm not saying it was remotely possible, but their efforts to do so up to that point seemed meagre at best - offering points in the WikiCup, and posting messages inside the very thing that is dying because nobody looks at it.

Interestingly, the same mutually contradictory reasoning is visible in microcosm there too - people both voting to kill it because it is seeing no interest from editors, and people voting to kill it because it was supposedly diverting editor resources away from more important work (and a lone voice protesting that they like doing the work to keep their own Featured Portals to a high quality standard, and would see this step as a slap in their face).

Overall, I think lots of people working in lots of areas of Wikipedia should be very, very, worried, since it seems clear that the majority of editors that have stuck around into this era of decline, are a very unambitious and negative bunch, and seem quite happy to discard pieces of their cult that simply look dead or dying.

There is virtually no awareness of the very obvious fact that in an enterprise like theirs, if there is no visible sign anyone gives a shit, that merely increases the chances that nobody will give a shit in the future. What is dying, will therefore inevitably die, if their suggested means of reviving something is to just wait and see if it dies.

If anyone in the critic community really doubted it, and I'm not sure I did (but I've been a critic for a very long time), it seems increasingly clear it will be the Wikipediots themselves who will kill Wikipedia. And watching it happen in real time, is morbidly satisfying.


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Re: Purge the Portals!

Post by Kumioko » Thu Apr 12, 2018 2:19 am

It really is amazing how socially cannibalistic the Wikipedia community when they sense the blood of one of their own! The flock over to take their swipes like bums fighting over a bologna sandwich.

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Re: Purge the Portals!

Post by CrowsNest » Thu Apr 12, 2018 11:42 am

So, so, desperate.....
Tagging this discussion to all portals is close to inappropriate canvassing→ to draw in the handful of users who work on this failed part of Wikipedia. This discussion needs to the input of all users which is why VP is an appropriate venue. Where else can we advertise this RFC to attract in a proper cross section of all users? Legacypac (talk) 17:16, 11 April 2018 (UTC)
Which is why I did not call it out as canvassing. This whole area is so disliked we need to be careful not to influence the results to heavily by advertising. On the plus side, by placing a notification no one can whine when we remove any given portal. Legacypac (talk) 18:25, 11 April 2018 (UTC)
Make your mind up you toxic prick. If these notifications will only bring in a handful of people to defend an area hugely disliked, what are you getting your panties in a bunch for? Nice to see you have respect for the opposition though........

If Wikipedia was a grown up project with a working governance system, scumbags like this guy would get blocked, no questions asked, rather than being allowed to rack up over 100,000 edits over a decade, ONLY 16% OF WHICH HAVE BEEN TO ARTICLES!

Legacypac? Legacy prick more like.

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Re: Purge the Portals!

Post by CrowsNest » Thu Apr 12, 2018 12:28 pm

Look at this genius......
Support – The only reason I click on portal links is to get to the pages for their related WikiProjects. There are definitely significant issues related to how often they're updated. Take this subpage on the Florida portal: Portal:Florida/Exemplary content. A few days ago I decided to add some recently promoted Florida-related featured article links to it, but I stopped when I realized that my edits were the first ones made to it in 8.5 years. When pages like this get severely out-of-date, it can cause problems. These problems can be avoided if we get rid of portals and put more focus on maintaining and updating WikiProject pages. Jackdude101 talk cont 19:44, 11 April 2018 (UTC)
The Florida WikiProject's listing of Featured content is of course up to date. Why? Well, it's not due to the sweat of the brow of any project members, it's because some dude named JL-Bot is a tireless devotee of the cult.......

https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?ti ... on=history

So the obvious solution to this problem, and it bears repeating that it is a trivial problem in the grand scheme of things named Problems of Wikipedia, is not to delete Portals (not least because in this specific case, there is absolutely no demonstrable dividend in productive human effort being transferred to projects or articles), it's to code the bot to update "Portal:Florida/Exemplary content" at the same time as it updates "Portal:Florida/Exemplary content", since both pages are merely doing the same thing, albeit formatted differently.

What these morons are showing, is their complete ignorance of the fact that since their cult is down on active participants across the board, all mindless grunt work like this has been turned over to bots.

If they could find a way to code a bot to keep articles up to date, they would. They can't, which is why it would be quite an easy job to find some article related to Florida which is out of date by eight years or more. They wouldn't delete it though, would they?

Wikipedia has a problem all right, it's the fact that people like this, people too dumb to even be allowed a say, are being allowed a say. The theory is that some other editor will notice this guy's mistake, point it out, and thus his view will be discounted in the closing, as pure weightless garbage.

That is the theory. Wikipedia never works because they don't even bother to put their theory into practice, that's how crap they are at this Wikipedia lark. Their actual practice is to go 'wow, look at all these people saying support and putting lots of words next to their vote, they are the clear winners!'.

What Wikipedia really needs is WikiProject:DumbAss, whose members are dedicated solely to identifying and nullifying voters like this guy. They can't have that though, because WP:LEAVEBRITNEYALONE!!!11!1.

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Re: Purge the Portals!

Post by CrowsNest » Mon Apr 16, 2018 8:44 pm

Like a super tanker, this is inexorably turning course for.....well, fuck knows, just not outright deletion. Guy Macon has done his special needs act now, so that's that necessary procedural box ticked.

As part of an increasingly desperate effort to push for their extinction, Legacypac has revealed he has neither read up on what Portals are for, and he didn't know what transclusion was after 100,000 edits. That either a lie, a typo, or a sign Wikipedia really is doomed.

If you are being remotely useful or eager to learn, it should not take more than 1,000 edits before you will hit some aspect of Wikipedia that requires you to tackle the less intuitive aspects of wiki-markup. Increase that to 5,000 if maybe you are really trying to just stay in your lane. So 100,000 is fucking insane.

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Re: Purge the Portals!

Post by AndrewForson » Mon Apr 16, 2018 9:15 pm

An interesting thought experiment: rewrite the discussions replacing the word "portal" by "article" throughout. I expect that those statements of fact which are true would remain true after the change (mostly out of date, inaccurate and useless to readers, mostly abandoned and unmaintained) and yet the conclusions (delete them all) would somehow be different. This serves to illustrate the essential illogic of the entire debate.

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