I think being the sort of muppet who openly declares they wouldn't pass RfA because the "the snowflakes, Jimbo-centric sycophants" would cause problems, is a good place to kick off this guy's memorial thread.
https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?ti ... =878890522
I almost want him to run for Adminship now, just to figure out exactly what he means. Being a friend of Bishonen, RexxS and Eric Corbett, it isn't hard to guess. But it would be hilarious to see him commit it to print. It is always hilarious when these scumbags actually write down what they believe is the right way Wikipedia should be run.
He's always been a bit of a coward though, so don't expect to see that any time this century. He's happy to exist under Bishonen's skirt and have scumbags like RexxS speak for him. He's always been a bit slow on the uptake too. In previous years, Sitush would have absolutely crashed and burned at RfA. These days, the Wikipediot's desperation as everything crumbles around them, is leading them to not just scrape the bottom of the barrel, but drain the swamp and mould the putrid filth that remains into sort of Administrator shaped blobs.
Bishonen doesn't want him to be an Admin of course, and she would like him to think it is because he is more useful as an ordinary editor. Ever subservient to his Queen, he accepts this placement of him in a nice little box marked 'useful idiot' without question. Not for him is questioning why, if he is to get all the hassle of being an Administrator, why not get the prestige too?
Just because he gets the tools, doesn't mean he has to use them in his chosen topic area. It is unlikely that he would even face any consequences for using his tools in that area, someone under the protection of Bishonen can easily get away with that sort of mundane Admin corruption quite easily. He surely knows that, unless he is really thick.
Even if he wanted to be absolutely cautious and not use them in that area, that doesn't mean he can't have the status and prestige of being an Administrator. Why not be like Ealgyth, another member of this group of scumbags? She got Adminiship simply to give more weight to her opinions, both in policy debates and ritual stoning sessions, she doesn't waste her time actually using any of the tools that come with it.
I guess it's typical of the male members of Team Pond Scum. Always been far stupider than their female associates, never appreciating how to effectively translate their scummyness into actual power, instead of just comical primal screams. Indeed, I don't think there even is a male Administrator in this little gang, is there? They are all Bishonen's good little boys, in their eternal childhoods. What a proud mother she must be.
I love how she advises him he doesn't need the hassle of an Rfa. It lasts all of one week, after which you would either be an Administrator, or have your worst fears about how many people hate your guts, confirmed. More likely, even if he failed, the main theme would be how much of a good servant to Wikipedia he really is. Bishonen would say it, and many would repeat it. That's how life goes at Court. There would be plenty of RexxS to attack anyone prepared to truthfully describe what Sitush does, and why.
The hassle of being Bishonen's errand boy? Literally making yourself ill because of the ceaseless "grind", and getting no real sympathy or reward from Bishonen? (tbf, real emotion is pretty hard for her) That lasts a lifetime. Literally until he dies, I bet. He already has a shorter life-expecting than most, due to his particular circumnstances, before he even chose to shorten it further by spending over a decade making an average of 50+ edits a day.
Not for the first time, Wikipedia begins to resemble a giant BDSM themed Second Life.
Re: Sitush

What a dumb fuck.The project is supposed to reflect reality and the reality is that there are vastly more notable men than women, for reasons related to history. That is why a recent proposal was made to relax the notability requirements for women, fundamentally in an attempt to rewrite history and falsify a balance. I'm sorry but it isn't a bandwagon I am prepared to jump on because it is social engineering. - Sitush (talk) 21:26, 4 February 2019 (UTC)
Deservedly earned his place as one of the infamous women hating Manchester Mafia.
I wonder how dumb you really have to be, to even say something of the form 'Wikipedia has to reflect reality' to justify anything, least of all justifying historical and indeed ensuring sexism in how men and women are recognised.
If Wikipedia has to reflect realty, then why can it not reflect the reality that until Wikipedia socially engineered the shit out of it, the world used to think an encyclopedia had to contain trustworthy information that has already been checked, and the disclaimer existed solely to cover errors that really were genuine mistakes, incredibly rare, rather than being quite common, and there only because the entire way the thing is written and maintained cannot and never will prevent them.
Wikipedia is written by people like Sitush, who are protected by scum Overlords like Bishonen.
That is why it is not an encyclopedia. That is the real scourge of social engineering, the rise of AMATEUR FUCKS who couldn't get a job flipping burgers, much less writing an encyclopedia, but there they are, doing it.
Re: Sitush
For what it is worth, I was the "first" profoundly deaf student to even go to Oxbridge, let alone graduate. I didn't attend a single lecture (couldn't hear them) and got no additional support, be it teaching or pastoral. I basically read and harnessed my brain cells. But I don't shout about it and it doesn't define me (I doubt I've ever mentioned it here in my decade or more of editing). Perhaps, however, she does.
Put it back if you want; I won't revert you. But know this: anyone who contributes here with an agenda is going to struggle to edit "neutrally". We've all got biases, sure, but those with overt ones that work to Right Great Wrongs seem disproportionately likely to end up in trouble. (That's experience, for I am not going to try generating statistics. An example would be people who were involved with the old gender gap task force and Gamergate things.) - Sitush (talk) 00:42, 10 February 2019 (UTC)

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Re: Sitush
I thought the IAC entity scared Sitush off? Or did he just stay away for awhile?
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"I am a dark bouquet of neuroses..."
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Re: Sitush
If so, it was less than a month. You may be thinking of someone else. This guy is a classic addict, the few sparse months he has in his edit history, will be due to him getting holes drilled in his head for his Wikipedia visor, and the box for his telepathic link to Mother Bishonen. He's literally made at least one edit to Wikipedia every month since September 2010. Such a lack of imagination for someone with his impairment, burying yourself in that hellhole.The End wrote:I thought the IAC entity scared Sitush off? Or did he just stay away for awhile?