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This is again all bullshit, madam gender

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2018 9:22 am
by Graaf Statler
I have to say for the first time, Somey is saying reasonable things. He is talking about the complete unacceptable kiddie-porn on Commons, the missed changes of Alexander and Trusted and safety, Alexander his incompetents, it is of course not personal against him, that he had SanFranBanned users who had only irritated the sysops and had put them in the same list with persons who had done very nasty things with children, that it is logical someone gets angry if you do so, etc. In short a very good posting of Jake.

Madam gender managed it to bring the whole posting of Somey back to the overweight of Alexander in her answer.

The specific criticism I have seen is that he is overweight, although it was not phrased quite so nicely. Which personally I don’t care about. He showers, he shaves, and he wears what passes in the WMF for professional business attire, so that’s all you are really entitled to say, unless you want to marry him, or unless you are a nasty belligerent person who does not want to be taken seriously.

And you are talking in the same topic about a blind spot. You yourself are a blind spot. You are one big living blind spot madam.
Crow mentioned the same thing and corrected you before. WMF had with Alexander his Trust and Safety the unique change to improve things. Without being trapped in section 230. To clean up Commons. To block idiots like Drmies who is constant breaking the terms of use, to intervent in the Dutch community what was complete losing track. To block shitty man. But Alexander and his team didn't. Alexander choose Kum, Steiln, and me and a few other complet harmless people as there victim by making them to wiki troll number one. And you, yes you managed to reduce this whole discussion to the overweight of Alexander. Well done, madam the critic.

And it is not the first time I am telling you you are a extreem poor critic who claimed to be the saver of the woman of this world.
Alexander is only a part of the problem, Katherine Maher is the same incompetent. And many others inside WMF are, like Gerlach, Dimi, the rest of Alexanders safety team, WMF Legal by supporting the Romaine Brussels shit, etc. And that is where it is about.
But I am sure you will in no time reduce this posting too to a gender problem or a age problem of me or something like that. Like you always are twisting the true, madam the gender critic. Because as a critic you are just as incompetent as the rest.