Kumioko, the Saga Begins Backwards

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Re: Kumioko, the Saga Begins Backwards

Post by Graaf Statler » Fri Feb 23, 2018 8:01 pm

ericbarbour wrote:
Kumioko wrote:The admins and their supporters on Wikipedia have turned it into an unnavigable nightmare to try to sort out with countless bullshit blocks, threats, extortion, blackmail, more threats, letters to my employer trying to get me fired, joe jobbing, astroturfing, etc.

Which is all I need to call them a "cult". A very mean, abusive cult.

It is a cult, a sect.You are complete right Eric!

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Re: Kumioko, the Saga Begins Backwards

Post by Graaf Statler » Sat Feb 24, 2018 9:53 am

Kumioko wrote:They treated me like shit BECAUSE I was an editor and I had an interest in improving Wikipedia, not in maintaining the status quo of social bullshit. That's why I wasn't trusted. NO ONE actually thought I would do anything to hurt the project or it's contents, but they knew I wouldn't follow the thin blue line and allow fellow admins to violate policy.

That's the same with me. I refused to play there dirty games, I was sick and tired of there social wikimedia bull, what was only how do I get a wiki status to get a shit WIR job.
Wikipedia is for them only there to suport Wikimedia, so they can get the free lunches and free holiday's out of SanFan.
They are not interested in people who are improving Wikipedia, they like for instance that porn based feminism, that gender gab bitches very much. They suport them were they can, and they suport users who use Wikipedia as a place to drop copyvio.
That kind of users are they looking for. Woman who can only talk about all kinds of pervers fucking, sex, sex and sex and porn to fight that gender gap. Or copy-past writers. They only care about there CV and there wallet, and WMF support them too were they can.

And do you know were I am wondering about with that Wikimedia gender lady's? Were they find the time in there daily live to do other thinks than fucking in the most
exotic way. Because, I have to admit they are experts! One of them for instance has described as gender articles all brothels and parkings where you could get sex with a lady, is great is it? It is not a wonder the gender group got a Wiki-owl on last new years reception! That are the writers they are looking for and wikipedia needs!

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Re: Kumioko, the Saga Begins Backwards

Post by Kumioko » Sun Feb 25, 2018 6:43 pm

The End wrote:
badmachine wrote:Looking at the logs for User:Kumioko, his original account was renamed to User:Kumioko (renamed) whose first contributions were in 2007. He had some trouble with his sig later in the year, so it's plausible those could be his first contributions as a newb.

After his first fallout, he had so many accounts (mainly as IPs), I could never figure out what was going on. WP had a very hard time keeping him banned.

Just to clarify a couple things here:
I did my first edits in late 2004 (I believe it was November) as an IP. I did about maybe 20 edits between my first one and when I created an account in 2006. I originally created one that contained an Email address and was told to change it, a couple months later I noticed that and created the Kumioko account.

I mostly editing military history topics for the first couple years and then decided to start building up WikiProject United States and it's subordinate projects because I saw them in a constant state of decay. That gained me a lot of enemies from some other projects that maintain ownership over those topics like US Roads.

In February 2012 I had an interaction with a user named Markv88 that insisted that I couldn't add the WikiProject United States banner to articles he "owned". Although he violated 3RR and I turned him in for it, admin Ultraexactzz decided I should be blocked instead. A year or so later he confessed he didn't look close enough and shouldn't have done it, but at that point the damage was done. It was at this point, I basically gave up useful editing because they showed be the rules were at the whims of each individual admins discretion. I got fed up and scrambled my account editing as an IP for a short while. I was targetted routinely and accuses as a "sock" because my volume of editing started to go up and I used a lot of IP's to edit depending on where I was (as I did when I was using my account). Since I wiped my email and scrambled my password they agreed to change my username to Kumioko (renamed) in an attempt to edit and not be accused of being a sock by zealots intent on blood!

I continued to be harassed, bullied and targetted by others because at that point blood was in the water and it attracted sharks. Since I had been blocked and had a "history" of socking, it was all over and some made legitimate editing unbearable. I was continuously accused of socking regardless of the merits. Due to the wide variation of IP's I used to edit, it was impossible to prove otherwise.

I later got fed up again and left and attempted to make a clean start account. I was again accused of socking because the Wikipedia clean start rules are completely worthless. That is when the KumiokoCleanStart account was created as a means to editing and also yes to be a bit of a slap in the face to those that wanted the impossible from WP:Cleanstart. At this point there was really no hope for legitimate editing anymore but I tried anyway and did get some good stuff done for a while but was blocked again.

At this point I was socking continuously and left a lot of very hateful messages and emails for the Arbcom and others. At this point, I had been accused of socking so much and mostly incorrectly, that I really didn't have anything to lose anymore. I figured if they were going to accuse me of something I may as well do it to the best of my ability.

I had started to edit Wikia for a while as Reguyla and then created that as a sock there as well. When there was a decision to unblock me I asked to use the Reguyla account but never really got the chance to edit with it due to the constant and instant harassment I got.

When that account was blocked on ENWP I edited at Commons and Meta for a while but Michael Maggs (on Commons) and a couple others (and a couple folks on Meta) didn't want me there so they found petty reasons to block me while on several occasions watching and participating as others trolled, harassed, hounded and insulted me to get a result so that they could block me and they did. This was also true of IRC where AlexZ even asked his friends on Wikia to ban me from their IRC and discord channels and they did. I can access them now only because I do not use my actual Wikia account and I have to be careful how I interact and phrase things I won't be found out.

Now I have given up legitimate editing, I sock on multiple WMF sites constantly, have gotten thousands of innocent IPs and account blocked as socks of me, I have done the same on IRC and continue to be a complete pain in the ass. At the same time, a number of people have taken to Joe Jobbing my account and have also sent EMails, IRC messages, talk page messages, some other Wiki's, Discord, etc. To James Alexander and others posing as me. Due to the complete incompetence of the WMF and people like James Alexander and abusive individuals on the WMF projects like Michael Maggs, Ajraddatz, AlexZ, RD, James ofur, Floquenbeam, Fram, Binksternet, BeyondMyKen and others, I am not focusing my time on bringing the WMF down, contributing to the decline of the WMF projects in any way I can since they do not want to improve them and building up the military wiki on Wikia.

Of course I missed a lot of details but that is already in the To long didn't read (TLDR) category.

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Re: Kumioko, the Saga Begins Backwards

Post by Graaf Statler » Mon Feb 26, 2018 12:09 am

I did the same. I made new accounts to get some rest. I never used them for trolling, only for writing articles.
The same story, always it was always scold and bullying, it was only about there fantastic Wikimedia chapter, that was there only goal. Wikipedia is complete unimportant or them, Wikimedia is the centre of the earth. With a few dirt boxes of gender woman who wrote only about porn and extreem sex things, and who were pissing of man. And I am talking about hard porn, sex in clubs and in cars on parking places. I have given examples in the past. And that Wikimedia guys were all the time around them, they liked it!
It was not about normal sex, like lovers have. It was all about extreem sex and porn. Well written, the lady's were sex experts, and absolute intelligent. They are of a academic level. And there were meetings with lesbian woman and that kind of thinks.

And don't get me wrong, I am living in a country were it doesn't matter if you are gay, transgender, we don't care in Holland. For years they have the same rights, can adopt children, marry, no problem. You can have a good job, your neighbors will love you, it's Holland.
So, were is this about? Horny gender women? I really don't know, but Wikimedia love this! It's compete insane.
We love gay people in Holland! It is not any probelm to be gay! What for the hell want this gender bitches to reach?

Here, there is a gay boat from the police, from the fire brigade, and from the gouvernement!

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Re: Kumioko, the Saga Begins Backwards

Post by Kumioko » Mon Feb 26, 2018 12:41 am

I have a little notebook I keep accounts in and continue to create new ones whenever I get to a new network. I have been seasoning some for months.

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Re: Kumioko, the Saga Begins Backwards

Post by The End » Mon Feb 26, 2018 5:32 am

I'm surprised US Roads didn't turn you away in disgust. That was a radioactive wikiproject and had all sorts of people willing to die on their own personal hills. SPUI (who later got involved in the Pedophilia Userbox Wheel War) was one of the major US Roads warriors.

I still remember that arbcom case:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia ... n/Highways

They even had another one I didn't know about:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia ... Highways_2

Who knew a simple project about US roads would have so much drama?
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Re: Kumioko, the Saga Begins Backwards

Post by ericbarbour » Mon Feb 26, 2018 10:34 am

The End wrote:Who knew a simple project about US roads would have so much drama?

Yes, it was and still is a major attraction for people with serious mental problems. I bet they only like Kumi because he generates the content, and they see him as a "fellow autist" or however you want to say it. IMO people like SPUI, Roy Chen, and Racepacket aren't merely ADHD or "autists", they are raving nuts.

I am entitled to my opinion still, yes? In which case, I opine that Roy Chen should be forcibly medicated and kept away from computers. And ironically, there are worse people on Wikipedia than him!

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Re: Kumioko, the Saga Begins Backwards

Post by Graaf Statler » Mon Feb 26, 2018 12:25 pm

ericbarbour wrote:
The End wrote:Who knew a simple project about US roads would have so much drama?

Yes, it was and still is a major attraction for people with serious mental problems. I bet they only like Kumi because he generates the content, and they see him as a "fellow autist" or however you want to say it. IMO people like SPUI, Roy Chen, and Racepacket aren't merely ADHD or "autists", they are raving nuts.

I am entitled to my opinion still, yes? In which case, I opine that Roy Chen should be forcibly medicated and kept away from computers. And ironically, there are worse people on Wikipedia than him!

That is a correct observation. Roads, railway stations, train types, railroad timetables are extreem attractieve for people with serious mental problems. That's the reason why they like the free traveling by train and bus paid by WM-NL so much, to all kind of wikimeetings. They are also very attracted to the bureaucracy of Wikipedia, they like hunting socks, control of anonymous edits, etc, and are often sysop, arbcom member, checkuser and steward. They like that stacking functions, it's because of there mental defect.

That's the main reason Wikipedia and WMF is one big madhouse.

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Re: Kumioko, the Saga Begins Backwards

Post by Kumioko » Mon Feb 26, 2018 1:05 pm

The End wrote:I'm surprised US Roads didn't turn you away in disgust. That was a radioactive wikiproject and had all sorts of people willing to die on their own personal hills. SPUI (who later got involved in the Pedophilia Userbox Wheel War) was one of the major US Roads warriors.

I still remember that arbcom case:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia ... n/Highways

They even had another one I didn't know about

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia ... Highways_2

Who knew a simple project about US roads would have so much drama?

I never had any interest in US roads specifically so I made no attempt to "join" that project. What I did try to do is to breath some level of activity into the 100+ dead US related WikiProjects and apparently the members of USRoads and a few others (Like Connecticut and Wisconsin, both of which share a lot of members with US Roads) saw that as a threat to their power and started to work to destroy me on Wiki. Rschen, Imzadi, Fram and a few others included!

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Re: Kumioko, the Saga Begins Backwards

Post by Bbb23sucks » Thu Apr 20, 2023 3:08 pm

  • According to the UCoC,
    Abuse of seniority and connections: Using one's position and reputation to intimidate others. We expect people with significant experience and connections in the movement to behave with special care because hostile comments from them may carry an unintended backlash. People with community authority have a particular privilege to be viewed as reliable and should not abuse this to attack others who disagree with them.
    is forbidden.
  • Here Ajraddatz, MichaelMaggs, and TJH201 can clearly been seen violating that term.
  • And according to "May 2020 - Board of Trustees on Healthy Community Culture, Inclusivity, and Safe Spaces", "[We will] work with community functionaries to create and refine a retroactive review process [for UCoC] for cases brought by involved parties, excluding those cases which pose legal or other severe risks [...]"
According to all of the above, you could clearly file a UCoC violation request. When they refuse, you can add it on to the pile of evidence.
"Globally banned" since September 5, 2023 for exposing harassment.

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