"removed unnecessary mention of partner"

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"removed unnecessary mention of partner"

Post by ChaosMeRee » Sun Dec 17, 2023 9:02 pm

A strange departure from Wade's normal pattern of editing.

https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?ti ... 1171260740

Sadly, not a departure from her being an utterly shit Wikipedia editor.

This is the state she has left this biography in.....
In 2007 Simpson emigrated to New Zealand where she became a professor of physics and chemical sciences at the University of Auckland.[5][4] According to Simpson, the dean of science made her an attractive job offer which made the move a win-win.[2]
Good luck to anyone reading this biography now and trying to figure out why this job offer is a "win-win".

Jess has removed the context.

Here's what she removed.....
In 2007 Simpson emigrated to New Zealand where she became a professor of physics and chemical sciences at the University of Auckland.[5][4] The move was prompted by a job offer for her partner, English professor and Shakespeare expert Tom Bishop, in the English Department at the University of Auckland.[4] According to Simpson, the dean of science made her an attractive job offer which made the move a win-win.[2
Did she just make a mistake? It's a pretty stupid mistake if she has. Or did she think it is someone else's job to make this biography internally consistent once she had done her bit as a medal winning activist editor and removed any suggestion a woman might let her husband influence her career.

Nobody knows, and nobody cares.

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