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Wikipedia's ingrained culture of harassment

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 3:23 pm
by CrowsNest
I was intrigued to note that apparently it is not considered inappropriate to contact a user with whom you are interaction banned, if it is to leave them a massage about your intentions to have that ban lifted. ... =859224865

There are, obviously, ways such notifications can occur without direct interaction between the two parties.

Given the history of this user's blatant and obvious violations of policy being ignored by the good people who Administrate Wikipedia, we cannot be sure if this contact did break any rule or not. But if it did, an unenforced rule may as well not exist, right?

Unsurprisingly, nothing was said about the way the person being notified was referred to by the filer once they found out that no, the ban wasn't going to be lifted, in part because the other person didn't want it lifted, seeing it as still necessary.....
I respect the third-party's opinion of my shoddy and shameful behaviour so have withdrawn that request.
I wonder, do the Wikipedians even see this for what it is?