Dog Piling the Dog Pile

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Dog Piling the Dog Pile

Post by wexter » Thu Dec 30, 2021 4:37 pm

A dog-pile is formed when a group of people jump on each other.

Years ago I ran into a youtuber named "Stephan Molenuex" who produced hour long video's full of bloviation and rhetoric. In my opinion I determined that the content was bizarre and therefore not worthy of my time. Evidently some people listed to him and families of the stupid and vulnerable followed his advice and "de-fooed." ... defoo-cult

According to Wikipeida the guy is now HITLER!

Stefan Basil Molyneux (/stəˈfæn ˈmɒlɪnjuː/; born September 24, 1966) is an Irish-born Canadian far-right white nationalist[2][3][4] and white supremacist[5][6] podcaster, blogger, author, political commentator, and banned YouTuber, who promotes conspiracy theories, scientific racism, eugenics, and racist views.[7][8][9][10][11][12] As of September 2020, Molyneux has been permanently banned or permanently suspended from PayPal, Mailchimp, YouTube, Twitter and SoundCloud, all for violating hate speech policies.[13][14][15][16][17]

If you dog-pile on twenty references all saying the same thing then it must be true. Basically he was de-platformed because the stuff he espouses is totally wack-a-doodle and bizarre. But that does not make him Hitler even if the Southern Policy Law Center says he is.

The guy has hours and hours and hours of meaningless rhetoric which in itself is a dog-pile of BS and now he has been dogpiled.

I asked Wikipedia to correct the situation.

Either delete the page because he is irrelevant, or fix the article because it is not neutral, or apply your highest standard to biographies of living persons. The net result of my efforts;

NOW I am getting dog piled by the wik-idiots.
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Re: Dog Piling the Dog Pile

Post by Strelnikov » Thu Dec 30, 2021 5:16 pm

Molyneux is part of the sea of far-right commenters/"personalities" on the YewToobs including Ben Shapiro (editor of the Daily Wire and a YT ranter), Sargon of Akkad (Carl Benjamin, who ran and lost as a right-wing UK candidate), Charlie Kirk (a guy who never went to college who runs Turning Point USA, a college conservative organization, lambasted for having a shrinking face), thunderf00t (Phil Mason, actual scientist who went crazy during GamerGate and is still ranting about feminism), Kaitlyn Bennett ("the gun girl" of Liberty Hangout, an anarcho-capitalist website) was kicked off YouTube, Tim Pool (never went to high school, been commenting on streaming video for years, is easy to confuse), Dave Rubin (just greasy), costume loonies like The Internet Aristocrat and Armored Skeptic (the latter went off-the-rails during GamerGate), so many-many-MANY others. It is a grifting ecosystem, and they are all being funded by selling crap, or getting loans from Charlie Koch, or the Wilks brothers ( the clowns funding Dennis Prager's fake university, PragerU.), or being involved with one project or another (Kirk got cash from Foster Friess before the old man dropped dead; others have gotten cash from the Leadership Institute; there are a zillion conservative sources out there.) And let's not forget Peter Theil, who might be funding some of this crap; he tried to get STEM types to abandon college, work for him and some friends before successfully destroying Gawker, and example of gay-on-gay crime because Gawker founder Nick Denton and Peter Theil can fly the rainbow flag.

My point is Stefan Moleneux is part of that fake father thing you now see online, like with Jordan "Lobsters" Peterson (who has written two "get your crap together, young men" books). Moleneux is a father figure to a load of YT-watching adolescents, and that's scary, because he is a kook.
Still "Globally Banned" on Wikipedia for the high crime of journalism.

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Re: Dog Piling the Dog Pile

Post by wexter » Thu Dec 30, 2021 11:12 pm

1) It is a grifting ecosystem - Well said
2) Stefan Basil Molyneux - Is a Kook (won't argue with that)

So Stefan is a grifting kook robbing money from the very gullible.

1) Should this bozo have a Wikipedia page? My answer is NO on the basis that nobody should give him credence.
2) Is he a white supremist (and all that other bad stuff)? Beats the hell out of me, I don't pay attention to him.

I don't like Stefan Basil Molyneux but to me Wikipedia is far worse.
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Re: Dog Piling the Dog Pile

Post by ericbarbour » Fri Dec 31, 2021 2:14 am

This is something that cannot be rationally discussed in "mixed company": the American extreme right and extreme left have come to resemble each other, thanks greatly to their common use of social media to "stir up the base". Instapundits like Molyneux suck up to a foundation or somesuch for funding and then try to "cancel" or humiliate whoever they hate this week. And who they hate can change on a dime. Any leftover spluttering on Wikipedia and Rational Wiki is "oh well that's just a side effect". As Strelnikov pointed out, there is nothing left in this area but crackpottery.

The one that really cracks me up is the rotten treatment of Dr. Fauci. Antivax maniacs are available on the right or the left, although the right-wing version gets more "traction" for whatever reason. (More funding I guess?) Automatically demonzing Fauci has been a big part of the "war". Prior to COVID-19 he was a rather obscure figure, known mostly for being hated on by the gay rights community (most of which is relentlessly left-wing) in the late 1980s, over his handling of the HIV epidemic. Some of them still hate him to this day--but then, perversely, in 2020 the antivax right took those same talking points, STRAIGHT FROM THEIR GAY-RIGHTS ENEMIES, and used them to denigrate Fauci.

Needless to say, Fauci's WP bio was small and unimportant, about 15k bytes--until 2020, when WP's "guerrilla skeptic" gang, including Jytdog and MelanieN, started messing with it, along with right wingers. Including a bunch of sockpuppets that I suspect belong to Cirt. Plus three attempts to delete it, which have left no traces. I suspect they were oversighted....

For a small surviving example, see this page under "Primary drug resistance". Then multiply by 100 and you have the recent history of Fauci's article.

The Molyneux article received very similar treatment, esp. in 2014 when people first "noticed" him. Especially the usual Cirt socks. Editwarring does not make an article "better", it makes the article more ragey. Compare:

At the end of 2014 he was a "libertarian blogger", and his article was being watched by libertarian obsessives like Srich32977, SPECIFICO, Lfrankbalm and Steeletrap. ... =640216944

By 2017 the Cirt socks were grinding and suddenly he was a "Trump supporter", "alt-right", whatever. The libertarians gave up eventually. Whenever you see "Snooganssnoogans" messing with an article, you know that Cirt wants to abuse that subject. ... =818003302

During 2019 he became a "cult operator" and "white supremacist" etc. etc. AS IF BY MAGIC, shortly after being listed as a "hate speech leader" by the SPLC. I bet you didn't know that the SPLC Hatewatch blog is the "most reliable source in the world". ... =881838872

Not going to look at this history anymore--seen too much of the same crap in the past. "Well it only reflects the "reliable sources"" blah blah blah. Carefully cherry-picked and inserted over a few years, so very few people would notice.

Strelnikov also mentioned Jordan Peterson. Who is getting similar treatment from Wikipedia. Peterson was "unimportant" until 2017, when the Cirt socks showed up. The suckery is just getting started.

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Re: Dog Piling the Dog Pile

Post by wexter » Fri Dec 31, 2021 5:56 pm

Funny you should mention Lfrankenbalm - In 2014, on a lark I took a swipe to remove hucksters from Wikipedia that were bottom feeding on the ignorance of the masses. I am/was Lfrankenbalm and my trolling mission was to remove folks profiting from Liber-tards.

I was circling back now 8-10 years later to see what was happening.

Ten years ago +/- I wanted to remove;

Gonzalo Lira - who I was able to remove from Wikipedia. Gonzalo (like Monenuex is a transformer) who was suspended from Dartmouth for Sexual Assault, thought of himself as a film producer, wrote a single book, and reinvented himself by writing an article on Zerohedge that was total bull but appealed to the libertards. He conned a real economist Steve Keen into a business deal and stole his website. That having failed he is now Coach Red Pill which is even more ridiculous. He is selling the idea that he is an alpha male coach, living the high life in the Ukraine, and he is offering advice on how to dominate women. He is a guy moving from fringe to fringe like Moleunuex. Hard Truths about Women and Sex by Coach Red Pill..

Molenuex - who I was unable to remove from Wikipedia. My real fear now/here is that a single source can initiate a Senator McCarthy dog pile. As you indicated Molenuex flows from fringe to fringe as an opportunist pandering to the converted. Wikipedia is just too stupid to figure out anything; he should not be given any credence.

International Man - which I got removed . Doug Casey - is part of Stansbury Research - that is the firm which uses these long diatribes to sell fringe financial newsletters to suckers.

In more recent history I had a battle with Wikipedia to remove child porn!

Why troll and/or annoy Wikipedia and Wikipedians - because they are dangerous. As with the above three hucksters Wikipedia is a huckster; that can say anything it wants true or not without recourse, responsibility, or accountability. Wikipedia is evil incarnate. :whambo:

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Re: Dog Piling the Dog Pile

Post by ericbarbour » Fri Dec 31, 2021 11:41 pm



You can always go back to the Molyneux article and try to remove some of Cirt's ranting. But it's way too late, and he's way too crazy to fight off without an army of administrators to protect you.

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Re: Dog Piling the Dog Pile

Post by wexter » Sun Jan 02, 2022 9:48 pm

Wikipedia, the process, culture, people and platform, are a total disaster. They would not know a reliable source if it hit them on the head.

Most of the sources cited are unreliable screeds; so when you challenge neutrality, fact, or critical thinking, - the response these days seems to be NO we are not changing anything we have reliable sources already.

PRIMARY SOURCES ARE THE MOST RELIABLE SOURCE, NOT OPINION PIECES ON THE INTERNET. To use a primary source you have to use critical thinking or expertise to wheat from the chaff. Were Wikipedia credible and responsible they would use primary sources with counterarguments from experts, or opinion from experts labeled as such.

There is no such thing reliable secondary source; its telephone and politics.

The following Reliable Source is a screed; ... ic/619734/

When you listen to the guy most of his points are whack-a-doodle; but a main point of his is correct. Its typical in critical thinking that a single element of larger body of work (that is mostly opinion or even wrong) can be correct or even insightful.

The main point is that there is no system in place to compile metrics on adverse reactions; therefore the risk-reward of the vaccine is at this time unknown.

Wikipedia is a dogs pile, not a dog pile.
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Re: Dog Piling the Dog Pile

Post by wexter » Tue Jan 04, 2022 2:31 am

A judo chop to Slatersteven a holier than thou ass. So said the gatekeeper of the tower of babble; a whole platform full of trash and misinformation. ... rona_Virus

We must all ensure that disinformation is not allowed to be expressed here (no matter the source, and even a hint of it must not be tolerated, this is too important) ... nuary_2022

We must all ensure that disinformation is not allowed to be expressed here (no matter the source, and even a hint of it must not be tolerated, this is too important) - Many acceptable RS cited contain opinion and narrative, not fact. Since this is a biography of a living person primary source rebuttal needs to be part of the article. The subjects call for statistical study provides rebuttal. Reticence to provide counterbalance to a one sided analysis is misinformation!
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Re: Dog Piling the Dog Pile

Post by wexter » Tue Jan 04, 2022 5:07 am

I am about to get bitch slapped again for telling a Wikipedian they are Crazy Eddie Antar Insane

Semi-protected edit request on 4 January 2022
This edit request has been answered. Set the |answered= or |ans= parameter to no to reactivate your request.
Change "misinfortmation" in the introduction to "fact-based information" 2602:47:D1E9:5F00:E95B:910A:80F0:54B2 (talk) 02:36, 4 January 2022 (UTC)

Not done: We follow what the sources say, and that is definitely not what they say. - MrOllie (talk) 02:42, 4 January 2022 (UTC)
Keep "mis-information" btw I thought wikipedia was based on consensus building? Please pause and consider. Change - RWM is not the inventor or MRNA he is a contributor. The article should not include he said she said. Suggest that the article change to reflect the chronology. "The currently available mRNA vaccines are the results of contributions from multiple people in different locations over time." ForbesForbes Nature describes his work in 1987 as a landmark experiment and stepping stone.Those experiments were a stepping stone towards two of the most important and profitable vaccines in history: the mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines The nature article has a chronology that pre-dates Malone and it also suggests that his work was far away from a vaccine.

Change - Add a reference to the fact that RWM is calling for statistical study as a rebuttal to the conclusion in the first sentence. There are numerous RS to that effect. eg "we should be analysing the safety data and risks vigorously"

We Don't Know - Experts are calling for more information or for a change in approach and they are questioning efficacy
I would agree that Malone has been spreading his political opinion as fact, his opinion then becomes confirmation bias for an entire political community. “You can sway a thousand men by appealing to their prejudices quicker than you can convince one man by logic.” Heinlein However, Malone consistently and factually states is "we don't know" about efficacy and risk because we don't have accurate and publicly available metrics.

I checked the CDC and there are no meaningful metrics published. There is a call for more information among experts If you've got the truth you can demonstrate it. Talking doesn't prove it. Heinlein

“The main question is how long the immunologic protection against SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19, lasts,” says Albert Shaw, MD, PhD, a Yale Medicine infectious disease specialist. “And since we are learning about COVID-19 in real time, this is hard to know definitively.”

“We are going to have to make many decisions in the future, including for updated vaccines for variants, so we need solid data for decision making,” Prof. Nadav Davidovitch - Ben Gurion University epidemiologist and leader of Israel’s doctors union told The Times of Israel.

Speaking on Wednesday, a day after the government approved giving fourth shots to those who are deemed most vulnerable, Prof. Zvika Granot of Jerusalem’s Hebrew University said this should not be happening without focused research into the potential impact of fourth doses.He also argued that the government is making a mistake by giving regular vaccines as fourth shots instead of waiting for updated shots that are more variant-proof. “Why give a vaccine relevant to a variant we encountered a year ago when Pfizer can make and update it to the variants we encounter today,” Granot said, referring to a push by Pfizer and other companies to develop a new version of their vaccines. “The coronavirus has changed and the vaccine is not as efficient as it could be if we had an updated vaccine,” he said.

For me as a consumer of the Vaccine

I have had three shots, many people I know are triple vaccinated and they contracted covid (but none have been hospitalized, none have had adverse reactions to the shots at this point in time), tons of time has elapsed for the disease to become a known commodity, the folks who are going to take the vaccine have taken it - they are not going to be swayed and there is no need to protect them as they have chosen the information they will allow themselves to absorb, and the impact of the virus has been normalized. (normalized aka accepted as a day to day reality), confirmation bias and narratives have supplanted fact finding, every RS I have read is an opinion piece! Folks have not been trained in critical thinking so they cannot/will not adjust to new factual information.

I am getting bias here, and I am getting bias from the likes of Malone. You cannot get to fact when politics prevail. IMHO A political decision is being made here on Wikipeida to bias this article and that is not the correct approach. What are the metrics? — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 04:53, 4 January 2022 (UTC)
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Re: Dog Piling the Dog Pile

Post by wexter » Tue Mar 22, 2022 11:37 am

Gonzalo Lira - who I was able to remove from Wikipedia. Gonzalo (like Monenuex is a transformer) who was suspended from Dartmouth for Sexual Assault, thought of himself as a film producer, wrote a single book, and reinvented himself by writing an article on Zerohedge that was total bull but appealed to the libertards. He conned a real economist Steve Keen into a business deal and stole his website. That having failed he is now Coach Red Pill which is even more ridiculous. He is selling the idea that he is an alpha male coach, living the high life in the Ukraine, and he is offering advice on how to dominate women. He is a guy moving from fringe to fringe like Moleunuex. Hard Truths about Women and Sex by Coach Red Pill..

I am feeling a bit sad that I was able to remove Gonzalo Lira from Wikipedia years ago. It seems like he is up to his old tricks having resurrected (erected) and once again transformed himself into an expert on the Ukrainian Conflict. I would say that he is worthy of a Wikipedia page at this point.

He touches upon every worthy Wikipedia topic there is including Sexual Assault (Dartmouth), Theft via Steve Keen, Incels, Ukraine, and carpet bagging. You just cannot make this shit up - he is definitely Wikipedia material. His flip floppity flim flammery got the attention of the interent-media;

How a Sleazy American Dating Coach Became a Pro-Putin Shill in Ukraine
(PS there is nobody more sleezy than this con-artist) ... ting-coach

His response

The Daily Beast is trying to get him killed

PS About my "dog piling on Wikipedia" A heavy-duty and costly hedge-fund research newsletter I subscribe to (with dozens of analysts) is reporting that the major vaccine manufactures including Moderna and Pfizer have reworked their EULA to preempt claims against them for adverse reactions (and declining efficacy, a large risk vs reward) that are being proved out by medical research institutions that they are following. Bottom line is that a high risk disease might have been worth a high risk vaccine; but Covid has transmuted itself into a low risk disease may not be worth a high risk vaccine (that skipped over vetting, hence the EULA changes) that has poor efficacy in follow on boosters.
Wikipedia - "Barely competent and paranoid. There’s a hell of a combination."

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