The Thacker Pass article

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The Thacker Pass article

Post by ericbarbour » Fri Apr 19, 2024 8:32 pm

Started in 2013 when the mine was first proposed. It was a "stub" that no one paid attention to--until 2021, when the media coverage and political/legal wranging went full-throttle. It is now 97k bytes long, one of Wikipedia's longest articles about a mine of ANY kind, anywhere in the world.


If you're looking for an extra-crass example of Wikipedia's "house" political biases with regard to environmental or indigenous-people issues, this article is basically ideal.

There is very little information about the region or the mine itself (which is just now getting started), and a lot of babbling about the history, which even the native tribes can't agree about, and the environmental ruin, which doesn't exist yet. Remember this is a very isolated desert backwater, served by a single dead-end paved road, where the scarce local water supply was previously used to grow thirsty crops like alfalfa sold to wealthy horse owners (a common practice in northern Nevada, pour enough water on it and the local climate is ideal for growing premium alfalfa for animal feed).

For much of those three recent years the major editor was Larataguera. Read their userpage.

But Larataguera gave up, and was replaced by Boldoso, who is even more extreme. Boldoso literally edits ONE article on Wikipedia and nothing else. As you can see, Boldoso is obsessed with beating the subject into a froth.

Finally: Is someone paying Boldoso to defame the mine? It's the sort of content that fossil-fuel companies would like to mess with, since they see lithium batteries as a direct threat to their business.

Compare it to WP coverage of other lithium mining operations, existing or proposed. Larataguera had fingers in most of them. ... _Australia ... a_y_Minera
Last edited by ericbarbour on Fri Apr 19, 2024 8:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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