WMF gets into bed with paid editors, film at 11

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WMF gets into bed with paid editors, film at 11

Post by AndrewForson » Mon Jul 23, 2018 6:47 am

In spite of being documented on the mailing list, another critical site and Gender Desk, WPO seems uninterested in the fact that the WMF has partnered with Go Fish Digital, a "reputation management" outfit that admits to manipulating Wikipedia. The partnership involves giving GFD access to internal logs to help them better understand how people navigate through Wikipedia. You would think that a site that exists "to shine the light of scrutiny into the dark crevices of Wikipedia and its related projects; to examine the corruption there, along with its structural flaws" would take an interest, but no, they prefer to discuss how tall Donald Trump is.

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Re: WMF gets into bed with paid editors, film at 11

Post by Strelnikov » Wed Jul 25, 2018 7:10 pm

AndrewForson wrote:In spite of being documented on the mailing list, another critical site and Gender Desk, WPO seems uninterested in the fact that the WMF has partnered with Go Fish Digital, a "reputation management" outfit that admits to manipulating Wikipedia. The partnership involves giving GFD access to internal logs to help them better understand how people navigate through Wikipedia. You would think that a site that exists "to shine the light of scrutiny into the dark crevices of Wikipedia and its related projects; to examine the corruption there, along with its structural flaws" would take an interest, but no, they prefer to discuss how tall Donald Trump is.

We're coming to a critical juncture in the history of the WMF - are they going to play along with the corporations who mostly exist to game their system, or are they going to stand up to them? So far they aren't doing their job.
Still "Globally Banned" on Wikipedia for the high crime of journalism.

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Re: WMF gets into bed with paid editors, film at 11

Post by sashi » Thu Jul 26, 2018 9:53 pm

But GD sez' they's "good people" Andrew... and, looking through the (many) links provided, I'm curious how shocking the SPI scandal will turn out to be (I gather it's being handled in a sort of top sekrit way...)

You'll probably have to admit that the WMF hasn't been getting uniformly good press what with pseudonymous people posting grainy photos of them getting into bed with paid editors.

Bill Slawski seems to be following context-searching and patent updates.
Daniel Russell appears to think it's often a bad idea to create a WP page.

The bit about gvt forloughs in this video is interesting.

Edit 28 July:

Renée reports at Auggie's forum that Gregory Varnum (Communications Strategist) has issued an apology about the BurritoSlayer incident(s).

Also, Dysklyver opened a thread for you, Andrew. ^^

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